Korean Fakes & Plagiarisms - Roundup №1

1 … summary, 2~4 … Books for Boys & Girls, 5~9 … Novels, Books, 10~11 … Various Books, 12 … Picture books, 13 … Manga, Anime,  14 … Foods, Plastic models, etc.
  1. It is allowed for Korean to plagiarize Japanese things in Korea.

    • It is distinctive that Koreans imitate not only the contents of the products but also the brand names and the packages.
    • It’s incredible that not only the small companies but also the big companies do so.
      It does not seem to be so bad for Korean to imitate something, especially the Japanese things. It matters very little.
      They say “It’s Kenchanayo” (kwen-chan-a-yo, It’s Okay, No worries) and “The crime against Japanese is innocent ().”
    • Koreans think it’s no problem they say and do anything to Japan, because Japan made Korea Japanese colony. Park Cheol-Hee, Director of Laboratory of Japanology at Seoul University, Professor at international graduate school

      About North Korea’s abduction of Japanese, North Korea says, “Japan ruled the Korean Peninsula in the past, and sent many so-called comfort women to Southeast Asia. So the abduction of Japanese is no problem. (Actually Korean gathered women and sent them to Southeast Asia. They obtained much money. That accorded with the demand of Japanese military.) The past problem and the current problem are at the same level.
      A Korean blogger says, “Japan did many bad deeds in the past. So the copyright violations do not have any problem.” This thinks past problems and current problems at the same level, too. The past is not restored, but the current problem is restored. The abducted Japanese can return to Japan. The plagiarism can be stopped, and you can indicate the original names and the authors' names.

    • “Korea fatigue”
      Japanese have few interest in Korean culture except K-pop and Korean dramas. Therefore, they rarely know the existence about the Korean plagiarism. They can know that, only when a Korean discovers the plagiarism and it becomes news. And, it is almost rejected even if a Japanese sues to the Korean court for wrongful Korean conducts such as the plagiarism. Therefore, even if a Korean plagiarizes Japanese things, Japanese do not sue the Korean and won’t be concerned with the issue of plagiarism. According to the professor Robert E Kelly, right or wrong, the Koreans are obsessed with Japanese everything including the political issue. The Japanese suffers from so-called “Korea fatigue”.
  2. Why do the Koreans plagiarize Japanese things too much?

    1. A large quantity of Japanese culture and Japanese words came to Korea, so that 70% of Korean words have come to derive from Japanese words.
      Japan positively adopted European and American culture before and after the Meiji era (1868-). As a result, many European words concerned with the science, the law, the literature, the systems such as school system or jury system, etc. were translated into Japanese using “Kanji” (Chinese characters). In Korea, they were imported as “Kanji” words from Japan. Furthermore, a large quantity of Japanese culture and Japanese words entered to Korea in the period of Japanese rule (1910-1945). In this way 70% of Korean words have come to derive from Japanese words.
      • For example, Japanese word for “family” is “家族 [kazoku]” and Korean word is “ [kajok]” too. (The pronunciations are slightly different even if Korean word and Japanese word use the same “Kanji”. Korean language does not have [z] sound, so [z] is pronounced [j] . “Zoo” is pronounced “Jew”. Some Koreans insist they must change this into the original Korean word “” (sikku) that means “family” too.)
      • For example, “baseball” was introduced to Japan in 1871 by Horace Wilson, an American. “Base" is “塁 (rui)” and “ball” is “球 (kyu, tama)” in Japanese. Therefore if you translate it normally, it is “塁球 (rui-kyu)”, but Kanae Chuuman (中馬庚, 1870 to 1932) translated it as “野球 (ya-kyu)”. (“野” means “field”). “Baseball” came to Korea from Japan in the Japan’s colony times. Korean language should translate it as “ (nu-gu)”, but it’s same as Japanese, “ (ya-gu)”. The case of “football” is same as that of “baseball”. Japanese translated it as “蹴球 (syu-kyu)” and the word was introduced to Korea as “ (chug-gu)” in the Japan's colony times. (“蹴” means “to kick”.) (wikipedia
      • In the Meiji era (1868-1912), Japanese introduced the European continental law (Civil law) and translated the legal terms into Japanese. They just became Korean words.
        Legal terms of the European continental law → Japanese translation→ Korean translation

        droit civil (civil law)民法 (min-poo) (min-beob)
        droit (rights)権利 (ken-ri) (kwon-ri)
        prescription (statute of limitations)時効 (ji-koo) (shi-hyo)
        Inhaber (ownership)所有 (sho-yuu) (so-yu)
        possession占有 (sen-yuu) (cheom-yu)
        droit des obligations (law of obligations)債権 (sai-ken) (chae-gwon)
        conjoint配偶者 (hai-guu-sha) (pae-u-ja)

        Versuch (attempt)未遂罪 (mi-sui-zai) (mi-su-joe)
        Mittäterschaft (accomplice)共同正犯 (kyoo-doo-sei-han) (kong-dong-jeong-beom)
        Tatbestand (crime-constituting condition)構成要件 (ko-sei-yo-ken) (gu-seong-yo-geon)
        Rechtswidrigkeit (illegality)違法性 (i-ho-sei) (wi-beob-seong)
        Rechtswidrigkeitsausschließungsgründe (justifiable cause)違法性阻却事由 (i-ho-sei-so-kyaku-ji-yu) (wi-beob-seong-jo-gag-sa-yu)
        Notwehr (right of self-defense)正当防衛 (sei-to-bo-ei) (jeong-dang-bang-wi)
        Vorsatz・Fahrlässigkeit (intention・negligence)故意・過失 (ko-i・ka-shitsu) (ko-ui・kwa-shir),

        In this way, Korean understood European and American culture () and concepts () through Japanese.
      • Another example:
        • let's see the preamble of South Korea's first Constitution (1948). It is written in Korean language like this. Most of kanji words used in the article are Japanese words. This is because people who drafted this constitution had received education in Japanese.
          Korean textbooks during the period of Japanese rule
          悠久歷史傳統에 빛나는 우리들 大韓國民은 己未 三一運動으로 大韓民國을 建立하여 世界宣布偉大獨立精神繼承하여 이제 民主獨立國家再建함에 있어서
          正義人道同胞愛로써 民族團結鞏固히 하며 모든 社會的 弊習打破하고 民主主義諸制度樹立하여 政治, 經濟, 社會, 文化의 모든 領域에 있어서 各人機會
          均等히 하고 能力最高度發揮케 하며 各人責任義務完遂케하여 안으로는 國民生活均等向上하고 밖으로는 恒久的國際平和維持努力하여
          우리들과 우리들의 子孫安全自由幸福永遠確保할 것을 決議하고 우리들의 正當自由로히 選擧代表로서 構成國會에서 檀紀 4281年 7月 12日 이 憲法制定한다.”
          (English translation)
          We, the people of Korea, with a glorious tradition and history from time immemorial, following the indomitable spirit of independence, as manifested in the establishment of the Korean Republic in the course of the SAM-IL independence movement,
          Now at this time engaged in reconstructing a democratic, independent country, are determined:
          To consolidate national unity by justice, humanity, brotherly love and the elimination of all kinds of social evils,
          To offer equal opportunities to every person,
          To provide for the fullest development of the equality of equal individual in all fields of political, economic, social and cultural life,
          And to permit every person to discharge his duties and responsibilities through labor and extortion and,
          Under the banner of Justice, Humanity and Fraternity, are resolved:
          To promote the welfare of the people, to maintain permanent international peace, to eliminate all aggressions, despotism and poverty, and thereby to assure Security, Liberty and Happiness of ourselves and our posterity,
          Do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution on the 12th day of July in the year of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-Eight in the National Assembly composed of our freely and duly elected representatives.
          If you translate these to Japanese, they become like this.
          悠久歷史傳統に 輝く 我ら 大韓國民は 己未 三一運動により 大韓民國を 建立世界宣布した 偉大獨立精神繼承し ここに 民主獨立國家再建するに あたり
          正義人道同胞愛により 民族團結鞏固に し 全ての 社會的 弊習打破して 民主主義諸制度樹立政治, 經濟, 社會, 文化の 全ての 領域に おいて 各人機會
          均等に して 能力最高度發揮せ しめ 各人責任義務完遂せしめ 内には 國民生活均等向上して 外には 恒久的國際平和維持努力
          我らと 我らの 子孫安全自由幸福永遠確保する ことを 決議して 我らの 正當 かつ 自由選擧された 代表により 構成された 國會において 檀紀 4281年 7月 12日 この 憲法制定する。”
          Let’s compare Korean with Japanese translation.
          Korean 前文
          Japanese 前文
          Korean 悠久歷史傳統에 빛나는우리들 大韓國民은 己未 三一運動으로大韓民國을 建立하여 世界宣布偉大獨立精神繼承하여
          Japanese 悠久歷史傳統に 輝く我ら 大韓國民は 己未 三一運動により大韓民國を 建立 世界宣布した 偉大獨立精神繼承
          Korean 이제 民主獨立國家再建함에 있어서 正義人道同胞愛로써 民族團結鞏固히 하며 모든 社會的 弊習打破하고 民主主義諸制度樹立하여
          Japanese ここに 民主獨立國家再建するに あたり 正義人道同胞愛により 民族團結鞏固に し 全ての 社會的 弊習打破して 民主主義諸制度樹立
          Korean 政治, 經濟, 社會, 文化의 모든 領域에 있어서 各人機會均等히 하고 能力最高度發揮케 하며 各人責任義務完遂케하여
          Japanese 政治, 經濟, 社會, 文化の 全ての 領域に おいて 各人機會均等に して 能力最高度發揮せ しめ 各人責任義務完遂せしめ
          Korean 안으로는 國民生活均等向上하고 밖으로는 恒久的國際平和維持努力하여 우리들과 우리들의 子孫 安全自由幸福永遠
          Japanese 内には 國民生活均等向上して 外には 恒久的國際平和維持努力 我らと 我らの 子孫 安全自由幸福永遠
          Korean 確保할 것을 決議하고 우리들의 正當自由로히 選擧代表로서 構成國會에서 檀紀 4281年 7月 12日 이 憲法制定한다.”
          Japanese 確保する ことを 決議して 我らの 正當 かつ 自由選擧された 代表により 構成された 國會において 檀紀 4281年 7月 12日 この 憲法制定する。”

        • The current constitution (1987) does not use the kanji characters. The preamble is as follows. (“檀紀 4281” has disappeared. Maybe Korean felt ashamed to use this expression.)
          유구역사전통에 빛나는 우리 대한국민은 3·1운동으로 건립된 대한민국임시정부법통불의항거한 4·19민주이념계승하고, 조국민주개혁평화적 통일사명입각하여
          정의·인도동포애로써 민족단결공고히 하고, 모든 사회적 폐습불의타파하며, 자율조화를 바탕으로 자유민주적 기본질서를 더욱 확고히 하여 정치·경제·사회·문화의 모든 영역에 있어서 각인기회
          균등히 하고, 능력최고도발휘하게 하며, 자유권리에 따르는 책임의무완수하게 하여, 안으로는 국민생활균등향상하고 밖으로는 항구적세계평화인류공영에 이바지함으로써
          우리들과 우리들의 자손안전자유행복영원확보할 것을 다짐하면서 1948년 7월 12일에 제정되고 8차에 걸쳐 개정헌법을 이제 국회의결을 거쳐 국민투표에 의하여 개정한다.”

          However, when you apply kanji to kanji words, it is as follows.

          에 빛나는 우리 대한大韓은 3·1 으로 대한민국大韓民國 한 4·19 하고, 使하여 · 로써 히 하고, 모든 하며, 調를 바탕으로 를 더욱 히 하여 의 모든 에 있어서 히 하고, 하게 하며, 에 따르는 하게 하여, 안으로는 하고 밖으로는 恒久항구 에 이바지함으로써 우리들과 우리들의 할 것을 다짐하면서 1948 7 12되고 8차에 걸쳐 을 이제 을 거쳐 하여 한다.”                  

          Let’s compare Korean with Japanese translation.
          Japanese 前文
          Korean 에 빛나는우리 대한大韓 3·1으로 대한민국大韓民國 4·19 하고,
          Japanese 悠久歷史傳統に 輝く我々 大韓国民 3・1運動建立された大韓民国 臨時政府法統 不義抗拒した4・19民主理念継承し、
          Korean 使 하여 · 로써 히 하고, 모든 하며,
          Japanese 祖国民主改革 平和的統一使命 立脚して正義・人道 同胞愛 民族団結確固にし、 全ての社会的弊習不義打破し、
          Korean 調를 바탕으로 더욱 히 하여 모든 에 있어서 히 하고,
          Japanese 自律調和を 土台に 自由民主的基本秩序より 確固にし 政治・経済・社会・文化 すべての 領域に おいて各人機会均等にし、
          Korean 하게 하며, 에 따르는 하게 하여, 안으로는 하고 밖으로는
          Japanese 能力最高度発揮してもらい、 自由権利に拠る 責任義務完遂するようにし、 内では国民生活均等向上し、 外では
          Korean 恒久항구 에 이바지함으로써우리들과 우리들의 할 것을다짐하면서
          Japanese 恒久的世界平和人類共栄に 貢献することで 我々と我々の 子孫 安全自由幸福 永遠確保する ことを確認しつつ、
          Korean 1948 7 12되고8에 걸쳐 이제 을 거쳐 하여 한다.”
          Japanese 1948年 7月 12日に 制定され8次に わたり改正された 憲法 再度 国会議決を 経て 国民投票って 改正する。”
        • After all most words are Japanese, and you see the words order is almost same.
          • In 1873 Rinsho Mitsukuri (箕作麟祥) translated the French word “Constitution” as “憲法”.
            Yukichi Fukuzawa (福澤諭吉) translated it as “律例”, Hiroyuki Kato (加藤弘之) translated it as “国憲” and Kowashi Inoue (井上毅) translated it as “建国法”. But “憲法” Mitsukuri translated became established later.
          • 政治” was an old Chinese word used in Japan and it spread to the people in the Meiji era and was used as the equivalent for “politic”.
          • The word “経済” was made as the equivalent for “political economy” in the Japanese Restoration period at the end of the Edo period. It is the abbreviation of “経世済民” that means “to rule the society and save the people” in the Chinese classic.
          • It is said that Genichiro Fukuchi (福地源一郎) first used the word “社会” with the agate “society” in a paper in 1875.
          • It is said that Amane Nishi (西周) first used “文化” as the equivalent for “culture”.
          • According to wikipedia, “権利” (rights). “主権” (sovereign rights) and “民主” (republic) are the words that William Martin, the American missionary translated in his translation book “万国公法” (International Law). After “万国公法” was brought to Japan, most of new vocabulary was once settled down in Japan and they were brought back to China by Chinese students who visited Japan on the occasion of booming of studying in Japan occurred after the Sino-Japanese War. Afterwards they were brought to Korea from Japan.

    2. The words order and grammar of Japanese and Korean are almost same.
      In addition, when you translate a foreign book into Korean, it is much easier to retranslate Japanese translation into Korean language than to translate the original into Korean. Because the words order and grammar of Japanese and Korean are almost same, and 70% of their words are from Japanese words, you can translate European books just by replacing Japanese words with Korean words. It is relatively easy like translating a sentence of German into that of Dutch. (Therefore you know that the automatic translation between Japanese and Korean is easy, when you see the web pages of the foreign language.) This is the reason why Koreans could translate the European and American books in spite of not knowing English or French enough.
    3. Imitating the Japanese culture produces value and money.
      It has been widely known to Koreans in this way that imitating the Japanese culture produces value and money. So Korea has got into the habit of imitating any Japanese thing. Therefore even now the Korean scholars, entertainers, companies, etc. are always checking anything Japanese.

      • In May, 2017, it was found that a professor at the national university in Pusan had plagiarized from the articles of Japanese magazines, and his 90 books are going to be investigated. (Korea・Yonhap News
      • Most of the Korean animated cartoons were made in Japan including plagiarisms. However, the Korean believed that they were made in their own country and they watched them on TV. (Comics in the Korean memory)
        A Korean said on an electronic bulletin board, “When I was a primary school child, one of my classmates insisted that they all were Japanese animated cartoons, and he was called a liar and given a concentrated attack by all”.
      • According to Korea・Chosun Ilbo, Japan is the overseas travel destination they want to go most.

  3. To justify these many plagiarisms, they need “ The crime against Japanese is innocent (반일무죄 反日無罪)” and “It's no problem they say and do anything to Japan”.
  4. Korea is the country where matters that cannot be in the developed countries are generally performed as follows. Besides, most Koreans think that they are quite normal without doubting them. So you will commit a big mistake if you think about Korea with your common sense.

    1. The number of the forged crime in Korea is 20 times of Japan’s. (Korea, Joong-ang Daily News)
      The number of the fraud in Korea is 10 times bigger than Japan. (Korea・Cho Gab-je.com)
      The number of the perjury in Korea is 857 times and the number of the calumny is 1,085 times of Japan’s. (Korea・Minjok Sinmun)
      The women who engaged in prostitution business in Korea amounted to approximately 270,000 and it reached approximately 1.07% of woman population (Korean National Statistical Office investigation in 2013). (Korea・Weekly Kyunghyang)
    2. Korean Government-designated textbooks for junior high schools and high schools write “Dangun unified tribes and founded Gojoseon (old Korea) in B.C.2333”. But “Dangun” is a character in Korean myth that comes out for the first time in the book “Samguk Yusa” written in the 13th-century. Korean textbook says “Dangun” existed, though he appears in the book written 4,000 years later. You may say it is a lie, but it isn't. (Korean Government-designated textbook)
      If “Dangun” had existed, Korean would be happy. But where can you find such a country whose textbook can predicate that the myth is the fact, except Korea? (“Nihonshoki” (Chronicles of Japan) completed in 720 says, Emperor Jinmu, the first Emperor established Yamato State (the ancient state of Japan) in B. C. 660. But that is considered a myth, not a historical fact.)
    3. In 2003, Kim Wan-Sup was arrested and fined 7 million won for writing a book claiming that Japan’s annexation of Korea was good for Korea, and his book was banned from publication. He was also banned from leaving the country. In 2005, he was ordered to pay 96 million won by the Seoul Central District Court in compensation for criticizing the historical persons. The reason given was that he “defamed the honor of his descendants”. Park Yuha, a professor at Sejong University, carefully read the testimonies of comfort women and wrote that there was both love and friendship between comfort women and Japanese soldiers in her book “Imperial Comfort Women”. But in 2016, she was ordered to pay 90 million won in compensation to the former comfort women for defamation and violation of her personal rights, and in 2017 she was also sentenced to a fine of 10 million won for defamation. (On October 26, 2023, the Supreme Court reversed the fine and sent the case back to the High Court.) This means that no one can say anything about history in South Korea. It is a crime to state or book an opinion that differs from that of the government.
    4. Korean leading newspaper said “the atomic bombs on Japan were ‘divine punishment’” and “it is necessary to drop more A-bombs on Japan”. (Korea・Joongang Daily)
      The newspaper was praised. You may say it is a lie, but it isn't.
    5. The judgments are carried out by feelings and emotions than law. It is said, “there is the unwritten law called ‘Korean emotion law’ that takes precedence over the constitution in Korea”.
      In 2012, statues of Buddha of Japanese temple were stolen and carried away to Korea by Korean larcenists. The statues were made in Korea in the 14th century. Korean court said there is some possibility that Japanese pirates (13th century to 16th century) stole them from Korea, so Korea did not have to return them until Korea found the evidence that Japanese temple had got them legitimately. Where can you find such a country in the world except Korea? The European continental law that Japan brought there did not seem to be able to overcome “Korean emotion law”.
      In October, 2023, S. Korea’s top court ordered stolen Buddhist statue to be returned to Japan. (UK・REUTERS)
      This time the Supreme Court of South Korea made a normal and commonplace ruling. This is due to the change of government in South Korea. Since the judiciary is not independent in South Korea, the court decisions depend on the administration.
      But of course, despite the Supreme Court’s ruling, the Buddhist statue has not been returned to Japan (As of February 1, 2024). That is the unwritten law of Korea.
    6. In 2015 the Japanese newspaper reporter who quoted Korean newspapers that wrote the criticism article of the President of Korea is charged with a crime. Besides, there was nothing to the Korean newspaper that wrote the original article.
    7. In 2015 South Korea and Japan reached a “final and irrevocable resolution” over the issue of comfort women. Korea thinks that Korea can break the agreement when the government changes in 1917, and Korea threw away the agreement. According to the international law, duties and the rights on the treaty are succeeded even if the government changes. “Korean emotion law” takes precedence over international law in Korea.
cf. “The famous stories retold for children” made in Korea 
The Korean is still proud that the splendid complete works were published just after the Korean War. They do not know that the works are the plagiarisms of the Japanese works.
Japanese original
Robinson Crusoe
ロビンソン漂流記 (1951)
Korean plagiarism
Robinson Crusoe
로빈슨 漂流記표류기 (1957)
     Japanese original
Arsène Lupin
怪盗ルパン (1952)
Korean plagiarism
Arsène Lupin
怪賊괴적루팡 (1955)
     Japanese original
Deux Ans de Vacances
十五少年漂流記 (1951)
Korean plagiarism
Deux Ans de Vacances
十五少年漂流記십오소년 표류기 (1959)

The Japanese titles are slightly different from the originals, but the Korean titles are the same as Japanese.
Properly speaking, the French word “Lupin” should be translated as “リュパン” not as “ルパン” in Japanese. And it should be translated as “류팡” or “류팽” not as “루팡” in Korean too. However, Korean title is the same as Japanese, because the Korean version retranslated the Japanese version.
Of course, if South Korea is like this, North Korea cannot be the exception. (cf. “World masterpieces of children’s story of the animation”)
Japanese original
The Little Match Girl
マッチうりの少女 (1988)
North Korean plagiarism
The Little Match Girl
성냥파는 소녀少女 (2016)
      Japanese original
Beauty and the Beast
びじょ美女やじゅう野獣 (1999)
North Korean plagiarism
Beauty and the Beast
미녀美女야수野獣 (2016)
      Japanese original
Swan Lake
白鳥のみずうみ (1986)
North Korean plagiarism
Swan Lake
백조白鳥호수湖水 (2016)

(cf. Korean plagiarisms・The complete works of world scientific adventure for boys and girls )
  • For example, Ruiko Kuroiwa (黒岩涙香) translated “Les Misérables” by Victor Hugo into Japanese with the title “噫無情” (Ah! merciless) in 1902. In Korea it was translated with the title “” later too. Of course the Korean translater re-translated Japanese translation by Ruiko Kuroiwa into Korean. (Korea・The Financial World)
    Just like this, Ruiko Kuroiwa translated “Le Comte de Monte-Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas père into Japanese with the title “巖窟王” (Cave king) in 1901. In Korea it was translated with the title “” later too.
  • Hanako Muraoka (村岡花子), the Japanese writer of juvenile stories translated full-length novel “Anne of Green Gables” that Canadian writer L. M. Montgomery had published in 1908. There were no Japanese who knew the Canadian writer except Hanako. She published it with the title “赤毛のアン (Anne with the Red Hair)” in 1952. She did not translate “Anne of Green Gables” as “緑の切妻屋根のアン (Anne of Green Gables)”. In around 1939, a Canadian propagator entrusted Hanako with translation of “Anne of Green Gables”. It took 13 years until publication.
    In Korea, it was published with the title “빨강머리 앤 (Anne with the Red Head)” in 1962. If you take a look at the title, you can understand that it was translated based on Japanese translation obviously. The Korean version was a retranslation of the Japanese translation of the English original. Of course no Korean knew L. M. Montgomery. Ms. Ji-shik Shin got the Hanako Muraoka's book in a secondhand bookstore and put the translation on “The mirror of Ewha”, the weekly bulletin of “Ewha girls' high school”. (Korea・빨강머리 앤 blog)
English original (Anne of Green Gables / L. M. Montgomery)
“……Have you anything eatable around, Anne? I’m literally starving. Ah, I guessed likely Marilla ‘d load you up with cake. That’s why I called round. Otherwise I’d have gone to the park to hear the band play with Frank Stockley. He boards same place as I do, and he’s a sport. He noticed you in class today, and asked me who the red-headed girl was. I told him you were an orphan that the Cuthberts had adopted, and nobody knew very much about what you’d been before that.”
Anne was wondering if, after all, solitude and tears were not more satisfactory than Josie Pye’s companionship when Jane and Ruby appeared, each with an inch of Queen’s color ribbon—purple and scarlet—pinned proudly to her coat. As Josie was not “speaking” to Jane just then she had to subside into comparative harmlessness.
“Well,” said Jane with a sigh, “I feel as if I’d lived many moons since the morning. I ought to be home studying my Virgil—that horrid old professor gave us twenty lines to start in on tomorrow. But I simply couldn’t settle down to study tonight. Anne, methinks I see the traces of tears. If you’ve been crying do own up. It will restore my self-respect, for I was shedding tears freely before Ruby came along. I don’t mind being a goose so much if somebody else is goosey, too. Cake? You’ll give me a teeny piece, won’t you? Thank you. It has the real Avonlea flavor.”
Ruby, perceiving the Queen’s calendar lying on the table, wanted to know if Anne meant to try for the gold medal.
Anne blushed and admitted she was thinking of it.
“Oh, that reminds me,” said Josie, “Queen’s is to get one of the Avery scholarships after all. The word came today. Frank Stockley told me—his uncle is one of the board of governors, you know. It will be announced in the Academy tomorrow.”
An Avery scholarship! Anne felt her heart beat more quickly, and the horizons of her ambition shifted and broadened as if by magic.
Hanako Muraoka’s translation (1952)
「……なにか食べる物ある、アンAnne? あたし文字どおり飢えかかっているのよ。きっとマリラMarillaが、お菓子をいっぱい荷物に入れてよこしたにちがいないと思ったもんで、それでやってきたのよ。 そうでなければ、フランクFrankストックリーStockleyといっしょに、公園へバンドの演奏を聞きにいってたところなのよ。 フランクFrankは、あたしとおなじところに宿をとっているの。そりゃ愉快な人よ。 きょう、クラスclassであんたを見たんですって。そして、あたしにあの髪の赤い子はだれだってきいたもんで、あたし、あんたが孤児でクスバートCuthbert家に引きとられたんだってことや、あんたがそれまでどんなことをしていたのか、だれもよく知らないってことを話してやったのよ」
ジョシーJosieといっしょにいるより、かえって一人で泣いていたほうがましなんじゃないかとアンAnneが思っているところへ、ジェーンJaneルビーRubyがやってきた。 二人ともクイーンQueen学院の色のリボンribbon ― 紫と真紅 ― を胸につけて得意になっていた。
ジョシーJosieジェーンJaneと「口をきかない」状態にあったので、ジョシーJosieはいくぶんおとなしくなった。 「ああ、あたし、けさからもう何カ月もたったような気がするのよ。帰ってヴァージルVirgil(訳注 古代ローマ人の詩人)の勉強をしなくてはならないんだけれど ―  あのいやなおじいさんの教授があすの最初のクラスclassに、二十行やってきなさいっていうのよ。でも、どうしても今夜ばかりは、おちついて勉強なんかにかかれないわ。
アンAnne、あんたも泣いたんじゃないの?白状なさいよ。そうしたら、あたしも安心するわ。だってルビーRubyがくるまえにさんざん、涙を流してたんですもの。」 だれかほかにもおばかさんがいるなら、あたしもおばかさんだって、たいしてかまわないものね。

クイーンQueenにも結局、エイヴリーAvery奨学金が出ることになったんですって。きょう、その知らせがきたのよ。 フランクFrankストックリーStockleyが教えてくれたの ― あの人の叔父さんが理事の一人なんですって。学校では明日、発表になるでしょうよ。」

“……무엇 먹을것 있니? Anne. 난 그야말로 기아상태飢餓状態라니까…… 아마 너에게는 반드시 말리라Marilla가 싸보낸 먹을 것이 가뜩 있으리라고 생각했기 때문에 온 거야. 그렇지 않었더라면 후랑크Frank스톳크리Stockley하고 같이 공원公園으로 놀러갈려던 참이다. 후랑크Frank는 나하고 같은 집에 하숙下宿하고 있는데 아주 유쾌愉快한 사람이란다. 오늘 에서 너를 봤대. 그래 나에게 저 기 있는 머리가 빨간 애는 누구냐고 묻겠지, 그래서 네가 사실事実은 고안데 말리라Marilla가 맡아 길러주고 있다는 말을 내가 해주었지. 머.”
죠시Josie하고 같이 있는 것보다는 차라리 혼자 울고 있는 것이 몇나 낫겠다고 생각하고 있는 때 졔인Jane루비Ruby가 왔다. 두사람 다 Queen학원学院상징象徴하는 리봉ribbon인 보라진홍眞紅을 가슴에 달고 의기양양意気揚揚해 있었다.
졔인Jane죠시Josie는 <말을 하지않는다>라는 상태状態에 놓여있었기 때문에 죠시Josie는 좀 얌전해졌다. “정말이지 난, 오늘 아침부터 벌써몇 개월이 지난간 것같은 기분気分이라니까. 사실事実은 집에 돌아가, 봐아질Virgil시공부詩工夫를 해야한단다. 글쎄 베기싫은 할아버지 선생先生이 내일 첫시간初時間까지 스무줄을 예습予習해 오라는 숙제宿題를 내주셨어. 하지만 아무리 애를 써도 오늘 저녁만은 공부工夫가 되어야 말이지.
Anne, 너도 울었구나! 사실事実대로 말해봐. 그렇다면 나도 안심安心하겠어. 나도 글쎄 아까루비Ruby가 오기전까지 혼자서 얼마나 울었는지 몰라. 그런데 너도 울고 있었다면 나혼자만 바보 취급되는 것이 아니니까 별문제別問題거든.
어마나 과자菓子구나! 작은 것으로 한게만 주어. 고맙다. 정말 이 과자菓子아봔리Avonlea향기香氣가 난다.

루비Ruby책상冊床 위에 Queen학원学院학사력学事暦이 놓여 있는 것을 보고 Anne에게 메달medal목표目標로 하고 있느냐고 물었다.
Anne은 얼굴을 붉히면서 그런 작정作定이라고 대답對答했다.
“그 말을 하니까 지금 생각나는데 ”라고 죠시Josie가 말했다.
Queen학원学院에도 결국結局 에이보리Avery장학금奨学金 배당配當이 나왔다는구나, 오늘 그 통지通知가 왔어. 후랑크Frank스톳크리Stockley가 말해 주었어. 그애의 아저씨가 그 장학회奨学会이사중理事中의 한사람이래. 학교学校에서는 아마 내일 정식正式으로 발표発表할 것야. ”
에이보리Avery 장학금奨学金
Anne은 가슴이 갑자기 높이 뛰었고 야심野心지평선地平線순식간瞬息間에 널리 퍼지는 것을 의식意識했다.

This book writes, “Author L. M. Montgomery, translator Ji-shik Shin”. The readers will misunderstand that Ms. Shin translated the English book. There is the name of Hanako Muraoka nowhere.
Hanako Muraoka’s translationルビーRuby 机の クイーンQueen学院学事暦 のっている見て、
Ji-shik Shin’s translation루비Ruby 책상冊床 Queen학원学院학사력学事暦 놓여있는보고
アンAnne メダルmedal目ざしているのかどうかを知りたがった。
Anne에게 메달medal목표目標로 하고있느냐고물었다.
アンAnneあからめて、 そのつもりだと答えた。
Anne얼굴붉히면서 그런작정作定이라고대답對答했다.
“그 말을 하니까지금 생각나는데 ”라고죠시Josie말했다.
クイーンQueen 結局、エイヴリーAvery奨学金(配当)出ることになったんですって。
Queen학원学院 결국結局에이보리Avery장학금奨学金배당配當 나왔다는구나,
きょう、その知らせきたのよ。 フランクFrankストックリーStockley教えてくれたの ― 
오늘통지通知왔어. 후랑크Frank스톳크리Stockley말해 주었어.
あの叔父さん(その奨学会の) 理事の一人なんですって。 学校(多分)明日、(正式に)発表になるでしょうよ。」
아저씨장학회奨学会 이사중理事中한사람이래. 학교学校에서아마내일 정식正式으로발표発表할 것야. ”
에이보리Avery 장학금奨学金
アンAnne高鳴り、 野心地平線 たちまちのうちにひろがる覚えた。
Anne가슴갑자기 높이 뛰었고 야심野心지평선地平線 순식간瞬息間널리 퍼지는의식意識했다.
The Korean translation is just replacing each Japanese word with that of Korean. It’s very easy. (The English original text has neither “아마(maybe)” nor “정식正式으로(officially) ”.)
It does not take much time to translate into Korean. Ms. Ji-shik Shin received the Korean Order of Culture later.

Encyclopedia for boys and girls
学習こども百科 (1972)

컬러color 학습대백과學習大百科 (1973)

컬러color 학생백과學生百科 (1980)

아이템풀Aitempur 학습 대백과學習 大百科 (2000)
The fire truck is right-hand drive, Japanese style.

A cabin attendant (스튜어디스stewardess) wears a kimono. Koreans don’t care about details.

Wild Animals I Have Known / Ernest Thompson Seton
シートンSeton動物記 (1964)

translator: 亀山 竜樹 (Kamayama Tatuki)
illustrator: 依光 隆 (Yorimitsu Takashi)
시이튼Seton 동물기動物記 (1974)

translator: 구건 (Ku Geon)
The Korean title is the same as the Japanese.
In the first place the books called “시이튼Seton동물기動物記 (Seton’s books on animals)” do not exist in America. That is the title that Japanese attached for all books written by Seton.
(English original)

It was a burning hot day. Yan was wandering in pursuit of birds among the endless groves and glades of the Sandhill wilderness about Carberry. The water in the numerous marshy ponds was warm with the sun heat, so Yan cut across to the trail spring, the only place in the country where he might find a cooling drink. As he stooped beside it his eye fell on a small hoof-mark in the mud, a sharp and elegant track.
He had never seen one like it before, but it gave him a thrill, for he knew at once it was the track of a wild deer.
“There are no deer in those hills now,” the settlers told Yan. Yet when the first snow came that autumn he, remembering the hoof-mark in the mud, quietly took down his rifle and said to himself, "I am going into the hills every day till I bring out a deer."


暑い日のことだった。 若い猟師のヤンYanは、小鳥をつかまえようと思って、カーベリーCarberry (中部カナダCanadaのマニトバ州にある町)のあたりを歩きまわっていた。
そのあたりには沼がたくさんあるが、どこの水も太陽の熱でぬるんでいた。 ヤンYanは、沼のあいだをぬけて、トレールtrailスプリングspringとよばれている泉へむかった。 そこは、この土地で、冷たい水が飲める、たった一つの場所だった。
動物たちも、ここに水を飲みにやってくる。 その動物たちの足あとが、いつもついているので、トレールtrailスプリングspring(足あとの泉)という名がついていた。
「おや?」 と、目をみはった。どろに、小さなひづめのあとが、くっきりとついている。
샌드힐Sandhill의 숫사슴 발자국

눈 위의 발자국

어느 무더운 여름날의 일이었다. 젊은 사냥꾼인 Yan은 지저귀는 새들을 잡으려고 카아베리Carberry (중부中部 캐나다Canada 지방地方에 있는 동리洞里) 근처近處를 거닐고 있었다.
근방近傍에는 늪과 웅덩이가 곳곳에 있는데, 찌는 듯 내리쬐는 태양열太陽熱로 물은 미지근하였다. Yan은 그 늪 사이를 지나서 드레에르스프링trail spring이라고 부르는 우물가로 갔다. 이 우물만이 이 근방近傍에서 차디찬 물을 마실 수 있는 곳이기 때문이다. 짐승들도 이 곳으로 물을 마시러 모여든다. 그 짐승들의 발자국이 남아 있는 곳이라고 하여 드레에르스프링trail spring (발자국의 샘터)이란 이름이 붙게 된 것이다.
Yan은 물을 마시려고 우물가에 쭈그리고 앉다 말고 놀란 듯 두 눈을 크게 떴다. 그의 눈은 휘둥그레졌다.
그것은 진흙 위에 조그마한 짐승의 발자국이 똑똑하게 찍혀 있는 것을 보았기 때문이다. 지금까지 보지 못했던 예쁜 조그만 발자국이었지만, Yan은 첫눈에 그것이 사슴의 발자국인 것을 알 수 있었다.
“요즘엔 이 근처近處에서는 사슴을 볼 수 없게 되었어. 이제는 사슴이 살지 않나 봐.”
마을 사람들은 Yan을 보고 이 같은 말들을 했지만 아직도 사슴은 ……………….
Words of the translator
ここには、いろいろな動物たちがあらわれます。シカ・野ブタ・オオツノヒツジ・野生馬・ウサギ・オオカミ・のらネコなど……。 これらの動物たちのさまざまな生きかたを読んで、心にしみじみとしみわたるものをおぼえたり、ときに、はげしくこころをゆさぶられるのは、『シートンSeton動物記』に、いったい、どんな生きた力がひそんでいるからなのでしょうか。
을 읽기
저자著者 시이튼Seton은 뛰어난 동물학자動物學者동시同時문학가文學家이다. 이 동물학자動物學者로서의 안목眼目문학가文學家로서의 안목眼目으로 세밀細密관찰観察하고 잘 이해理解하여 자연自然 속에서 삶을 이어나기는 동물動物의 있는 그대로의 모습을 그린 것이 바로 <시이튼Seton 동물動物기>이다.
シートンSetonは、動物への深い愛情と知識をもって、動物たちを見まもりました。その作品には、人間とおなじように、それぞれの生きかたをして、よろこびもかなしみもある動物たちの生きかたがありありとえがきだされていて、わたしたちの胸をうちます。 시이튼Seton동물動物한 깊은 애정愛情지식知識을 가지고 이들 동물動物을 지켜 보았고, 작품作品 가운데는 마치 우리들 인간人間생활生活과 같이 그들 동물動物에게도 기쁨과 즐거움, 그리고 슬픔과 괴로움을 그려 우리들에게 깊은 감동感動을 주고 있다.
…………………… 에는 사슴・물돼지・큰뿔양・물말・토끼・이리・고양이 등 여러가지 동물動物등장登場한다.
…………………… 「峰の大将クラッグKrag」「野生馬ものがたり」には、意思と意思との激しいたたかいがあります。そして、人間も動物も、大自然のさらに大きな意思の中で動いているように思われます。
여러분들은 이 을 읽고 동물動物들의 사랑과 지혜知恵를 새삼 느낄 것이며, 또한 의지意思의지意思와의 격렬激烈한 싸움을 볼 것이다. 그리고 순수純粋한 그들의 마음씨와 강렬強烈하게 삶을 이어가는 것을 배울 수 있을 것이다. 여기에 인간人間이나 동물動物이나 할 것 없이 대자연大自然보다 더 큰 의지意思 속에서 움직이고 있다는 것을 알 것이다.

The Korean book shortens the Japanese sentences.
explanation of the animals:
Professor at Tokyo University of Education 下泉 重吉 (Shimoizumi Jukichi)
オオカミは野性イヌの一種です。 警察犬などに使うセパードに似ていますが、それよりも耳や尾が長く、ことに尾の毛は、ふさふさしています。 毛色は、ふつう、灰色っぽい褐色から黄色です。

オオカミは、ヨーロッパEuropeアジアAsia・北アメリカAmericaインドIndoなどまで、ひろく分布しています。 北アメリカの北部にすむものには、体長一三〇130センチメートルcentimetreくらいの大型のオオカミがいますが、この物語の舞台である南部には、体長1メートルmetreくらいの小型のものがすんでいます。
日本にも、むかしはオオカミがすんでいたのですが、いまは絶滅しました。 日本にすんでいたオオカミは朝鮮のヌクティに似ていました。
オオカミは、群れをつくって、ウマやウシをおそうことがあり、ときには人間をおそうことがあります。 しかし、ふつうは、子ウシ・ヒツジ・ヤギ・ウサギなどのけもの類や、鳥類を食べています。
이리는 유럽Europe아시아Asia아메리카America인도Indo 등지에 분포分布하고 있읍니다. 아메리카America 쪽에 사는 것에은 몸의 길이가 130센티미터centimetre나 되는 큰 것이 있다는데 이 에 나오는 남부 지방南部 地方에는 1미터metre 정도程度의 작은 것이 살고 있읍니다.
얼마 전만 해도 우리 나라의 늑대는 동리洞里에 내려와서 사람을 괴롭게 하였읍니다. 몇 마리씩 떼지어 가축家畜물론勿論 사람까지도 습격襲撃을 하였었읍니다.
*ネコ ――裏町のニャン子
ネコは、もともと夜行性で、そのため、ひとみが、キツネとおなじように、昼は細長く、夜になると大きな円形になります。 また、足のつめは、ふつう普通、毛の中にかくしていて、えものをとらえるときなどに、ぱっと出すようにできています。 されに、足のうらは、皮膚がやわらかで、板の上などを歩いても音がたたないようなしくみになっています。
고양이(뒷 골목의 아이 고양이)
여러분들은 귀여운 애교 덩어리의 집고양이를 사랑할 것입니다. 이 집고양이는 역시 야생野生의 고양이를 사육飼育한 것입니다.
유럽Europe의 고양이는 옛날 이집트Egypt 사람들이 야생野生의 것을 길러 낸 것이라고 합니다.
이 이야기에 나오는 아메리카America의 고양이는 유럽Europe에서 건너간 것입니다.
고양이 역시 동물動物이어서 눈동자瞳子가 여우처럼 낮에는 가늘고 길게 달치며, 밤이 되면 크게 됩니다.
다리의 날카로운 발톱은 보통普通은 털 속에 묻히나 먹이를 잡을 때에는 나오게 되어 있읍니다. 발바닥은 살갗이 대단히 부드러워 판자板子 위를 걸어도 소리가 안 납니다.
The Korean explanation of the animals is the same as Japanese, too.

Cho Guk, the former Minister of Justice’s thesis for master degree(a part of the thesis) (1989)
Thesis for master degree (1989)


Author: Cho Guk, the former Minister of Justice
On April 4, 2019, the Korean study inspection center said, “it was confirmed that Cho Guk had just used 33 places from the Japanese books without the appropriate quotation indications”. (Korea・ChosunIlbo
Still, it is curious that Mr. Cho Guk, the spearhead of the “anti-Japanese” movement, is able to read the technical books written in Japanese.
“Introduction to Soviet Law, Criminal Law Ⅰ”
「ソビエト法概論 刑法 Ⅰ」 (1964)

Author: 中山 研一 (Nakayama Kenichi)
조국Cho Guk
슈타인베르그Steinberg구법旧法이용가능성利用可能性주장主張하여 1903자르 형법전刑法典기초基礎로 하여 초안草案작성作成하였고,
꼬즈로후스키Kozlovskii구법旧法에서 종교범죄宗敎犯罪제거除去하고 약간若干범죄犯罪추가追加하면 된 것이라고 하였다.
一方司法人民委員、ストウチカは、 逆に一挙かつ全面的な旧法の廃止を主張した。
반대反對스뚜치카 일거一挙에 그리고 전면적全面的으로 구법旧法폐지廃止할 것을 주장主張하였다.
搾取の武器たる裁判所を全廃して、 社会主義社会の強固な基礎の上に、 教育の武器たる真正の裁判所を建設するのだとし、 あたらし裁判所の課題を次のように規定した。
조국Cho Guk
착취搾取무기武器재판소裁判所전폐全廃하고 사회주의 사회社会主義 社会강고強固기초基礎 위에 교육敎育무기武器진정眞正재판소裁判所건설建設하는 것이라고 규정規定하였다.,
「あたらしい裁判所は、何よりも搾取者との斗争のために必要である。 しかしそれにはもっと重要な任務が課せられている。
새로운 재판소裁判所무엇보다도착취자搾取者와의 투쟁闘爭하여 필요必要하다. 그러나거기에는 보다중요重要임무任務부과賦課되어 있다.
それは勤労者の規律と自己規律の厳格な実施を保障するという任務である。 このような任務がブルジョワジーbourgeoisieの権力が倒れてすぐに、
그것은 근로자勤勞者규율規律자기 규율自己 規律엄격嚴格실시実施보장保障한다는 임무任務이다. 이와 같은 임무任務브르조와지bourgeoisie권력權力타도打倒 바로
“Marxism Law Course”
「マルクス主義法学講座 第4巻」 (1978)

Author: 天野 和夫 (Amano Kazuo)
それは、 プロレタリアProletarier革命という革命の性格、 武装蜂起にる権力奪取というその形態、とにって 説明されようが、同時に技術的合目的性の観点から利用しうるものが
조국Cho Guk
그것은프롤레타리아Proletarier 혁명革命이라는 성격性格 무장봉기武装蜂起권력權力탈취奪取라는 형태形態로써 설명説明되지만,동시同時기술적 합목적성技術的 合目的性 관점観點에서 이용利用할 수 있는
ロシアRussia法制では少なかったことも考慮されてよい。 旧支配階級にとっては、ソビエトsovietによる国家権力奪取そのものが、違法行為であった。
러시아Russia 법제法制극소極少했단는 에서도 이해理解할 수 있다. 구지배계급旧支配階級입장立場에서 보면 소비에트soviet국가권력國家權力탈취奪取자체自體 위법행위違法行爲였다.
臨時政府時代の最高法院が、十月革命後も一七年一二月頃までは、 ソビエトsoviet政権を認めず、故に、この政権の法令を無視し、
임시정부시대臨時政府時代최고법원最高法院 10 혁명革命에도 1917 12 경까지는 소비에트soviet 정권政權인정認定하지 않았으며, 따라서 소비에트soviet정권政權법령法令무시無視하고
ツァーczarロシアRussiaおよび 臨時政府の法令に従い裁判を行なっていたことなどは、 彼らの論理によれば、当然のことであった。
짜르czar 임시정부臨時政府법령法令입각立脚하여 재판裁判수행遂行했던 것도 그들의 논리論理대로 라면당연當然한 일이었다.
“Judicial System in Socialist States”
「社会主義国家の裁判制度」 (1965)

Author: 福島 正夫 (Fukushima Masao)
社会革命党のシュテインベルグSteinbergは、「過去と完全に決別すべきでない。 それはせめてその健全な原則を継承すべきである」と強調した。
조국Cho Guk
사회혁명당社會革命黨슈테인베르그Steinberg 과거過去완전完全결별決別하지 말아야 한다. 최소最小한 그 건전健全원칙原則계승繼承해야 한다”고 강조強調했다.
だが、そのようなことはあまりにも非現実的であった。古いブルジョアbourgeois的な 司法機構に革命的秩序の防衛をゆだねることはできなかった。
그러나 그런 것은너무나 비현실적非現實的이었다.낡은 부르주아bourgeois 사법기구司法機構혁명적 질서革命的 秩序방위防衛를 맡길 수는 없었다.
そのうえ、革命前の「全司法機関、裁判所書記から大審院判事、 警部から弁護士にいたるまで」ソビエトsoviet政権をボイコットboycottし、
더구나혁명전革命前의 “전사법기관全司法機関, 재판소 서기裁判所 書記대심원 판사大審院判事, 경부警部변호사辯護士에 이르기까지”소비에트soviet 정권政權보이콧boycott하여
대심원大審院혁명후革命後에도혁명革命으로 전복顚覆부르주아bourgeois 임시정부臨時政府의 이름으로판결判決할 것을 그만두지 않았다.
“Study of the History of Theories on Soviet Law”
「ソビエト法理論史研究」 (1968)

Author: 藤田勇 (Fujita Isamu)
10月革命のばあいについていえば、 プロレタリアートProletariat農民 同じようにそれぞれ階級法 たずさえて
조국Cho Guk
“10 혁명革命당시当時 프롤레타리아트Proletariat농민農民 똑같이각각 계급법階級法가지고
革命いたったのであった。 それゆえにこそ、裁判所関する 布告こうした表現は、 すでに
혁명革命맞이하겠다는 것이 된다. 따라서재판소裁判所 포고布告 이런한표현表現이미
革命前にプロレタリアートProletariat 存在していたこと 確認したもの ほかならない、というのである。」
혁명전革命前프롤레타리아트Proletariat 존재存在하고있었던 확인確認 다름아닌 것이 된다.”
“Study of criminology history of Soviet Union”
「ソビエト犯罪学史研究」 (1985)

Author: 上田寬 (Ueda Kan)
刑法典における各則とは、 国家より法律 強制的形態において禁止 された社会関係侵犯 一覧表である。
조국Cho Guk
형법전刑法典에서의각칙各則 국가國家의해 법률法律강제적強制的 형태形態금지禁止되는 사회관계社会関係침범侵犯 일람표一覧表이다.
社会構成員は、 いかなる社会関係国家 より保護され、いかなる 侵害
사회社会 구성원構成員어떠한 사회관계社会関係국가國家 의해보호保護되고, 어떠한침해侵害
禁止されて いるのか知らねばならず、そのため 犯罪一覧表可能なかぎり網羅的・体系的 でなければならない。 社会
금지禁止되고있는가 알지 않으면 안되고,그것을 위한 범죄犯罪일람표一覧表 가능可能망라적網羅的· 체계적体系的이어야만 한다. 또한사회社会
成員また、 禁止された行為 実行いかなる 結果 伴うか知らねばならない。 そのために,
구성원構成員금지禁止 행위行為 실행実行어떠한 결과結果수반随伴하는가 알아야만 한다. 이를 위해서
刑法典普通、 構成要件それ 対応する「制裁」伴った 各則部分持つのである。
형법전刑法典대개大概 구성요건構成要件 그것대응対応하는 제재制裁수반随伴하는 각칙各則부분部分 가지는 것이다.

Nontan & Naughty Bear


author: キヨノサチコ (Sachiko Kiyono)

꾸러기 곰돌이
Naughty Bear

author: 남미영Nam Mi-yeong
illustrator: 오명훈O Myeong-hun
The series debuted in August 1976 with Nontan buranko o nosete (Nontan, Let Me Use the Swing) and continued with 40 volumes in its first 32 years with total sales of over 28 million copies. Books from the series have been translated into French and Chinese and turned into an anime television series in 1992.
In Korea, “It is strongly suspected that the books plagiarized, but you can not say ‘it’s the plagiarism’ clearly, because a cat turns into a bear”. (Korea・namuwiki)
I think it’s the complete plagiarism, but .....
(Now the web page of the namuwiki is renewed.)

ノンタン, Nontan

Let me use the swing.
꾸러기 곰돌이, Kureogi Komdori

그네 좀 태워 줘
Let me use the swing.

「ノンタン ノンタン、ぶらんこのせて」
“Nontan Nontan, Let me use the swing.”

「곰돌아 곰돌아, 나 그네 좀 태워 줘.」
“Kongdora Kongdora, Let me use the swing.”

「だめ だめ、まだ ぼく、ちょっぴりしか のってないんだもん。」
“No, no, I still get on only a little bit.”

「싫어 싫어, 나도 방금 탔는걸.」
“I have just got on, too.”

「ノンタン ノンタン、ぶらんこのせて」
“Nontan Nontan, Let us use the swing.”

「곰돌아 곰돌아, 우리도 그네 좀 태워 줘.」
“Kongdora Kongdora, Let us use the swing.”

「だめ だめ、これから、たちのりするんだもん。」
“No, no, I will stand and make riding.

「싫어 싫어, 지금부터는 서서탈 거란 말이야.」
“No, no, I will stand and make riding.

「ノンタン ノンタン、ぶらんこのせて」
“Nontan Nontan, Let me use the swing.”

「곰돌아 곰돌아, 나 그네 좀 태워 줘.」
“Kongdora Kongdora, Let me use the swing.”

「だめ だめ、これから、かたあしのりするんだもん。」
“No, no, I will make one leg riding.

「싫어 싫어, 지금부터는 한 발로 서서 탈 거란 말이야.」
“No, no, I will make one leg riding.

「ノンタン ノンタン、ぶらんこのせて」
“Nontan Nontan, Let us use the swing.”

「곰돌아 곰돌아, 우리도 그네 좀 태워 줘.」
“Kongdora Kongdora, Let us use the swing.”

「だめ だめ、これから、ビュン ビュン スピードのりするんだもん。」
“No, no, I will make speed riding.”

「싫어 싫어, 지금부터는 쌩쌩 힘차게 탈 거란 말이야.」
“No, no, I will make speed riding.”

「ずるいよ ずるいよ。」「ノンタン ずるいよ。」「じゅんばん じゅんばん、かわってよ。」「かわってくれなきゃ、もう あそんであげないよ。」 「みんな かえろう!」
“Unfair, unfair” “Nontan, you are not fair.” “A turn, a turn, change a turn.” “We do not play with you anymore if you do not change a turn.” “Let's go home! All”

「욕심꾸러기 욕심꾸러기, 곰돌이는 욕심꾸러기.」「우리와 바꿭 타지 않으면 다시는 같이 놀지 않을테야.」 「야, 모두 집에 가자.」
“Greedy, greedy. Kongdori is greedy.” “We do not play with you anymore if you do not change a turn.” “Let's go home! All”

「まってよ まってよ、かわるよ かわるよ。10まで かぞえたら、じゅんばん かわるよ。」
“Wait, wait. I will change a turn. I change a turn when I count to 10.”

「얘들아 얘들아, 잠깐만 기다려. 열 번만 더 타고 차례차례 바꿔 타지.」
“Wait a minute. I will change a turn when I count to 10.”

「じゃあね、えーと あのね……、1・2・3、……。
えーと 1・2・3、で……。えーと 1・2・3、で……。」

Then, well I say ......, 1.2.3, ......
Well, 1.2.3, and ....... Well, 1.2.3, and .......

「자, 그럼 시작할게. 하나, 둘, 셋…… 으음, 하나, 둘, 셋…… 저어, 하나, 둘, 셋…….」
Well, then I will start. 1, 2, 3 ...... Uh, 1, 2, 3 ...... well, 1, 2, 3 ......

「ノンタン!1・2・3ばっかりで ずるいよ。」「ちゃんと 10まで かぞえてよ。」
“Nontan! Only 1, 2, 3. You are not fair.” “ Count 10 properly.”

「곰돌아! 넌 하나 둘 셋만 셀 거니?」 「그래 가지고 언제 열까지 세니?」
“Kongdora! You count only 1, 2, 3.” “Then when do you count to 10? ”

「えーと えーと。」「あのね…… ぼくね ほんとは、1・2・3、までしか かぞえられないの。」 「えっ?」「それじゃ
“Well, well.” “You know ......, Actually I can count only 1, 2, 3.” “What!” “Then

「난…… 셋까지밖엔 못 세…….」「아하, 그랬구나! 그럼 우리가 다같이 열까지 세어 줄게.」
“I ...... I cannot count over 3.” “Aha! now we understand. Then all of us count to ten together.”

みんなで 10まで かぞえて あげるよ。」「それっ!」「1・2・3、4・5・6,7・8・9・10、 おまけの おまけの きしゃぽっぽ、ぽーっと なったら かわりましょ!」
All of us count to ten.” “Go on!” “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, a bonus, a bonus choo-choo train, if whistle sounds, let's change!”

「자, 시작! 」 하나 둘 셋, 넷 다섯 여섯, 일곱 여덟 아홉 열, 덤으로 덤으로 한 번만 더 칙칙푹푹 칙칙푹푹 기적이 울리면 바꿔야 해요.
“Let's start!” 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, a bonus, a bonus one more times, if whistle sounds, let's change!”

「はい つぎは うさぎさん!10まで かぞえたら、かわってね。」「うん!」
“Yes next is rabbit! Change if you count to 10.” “All right!”

「자, 이번엔 토기 차례야. 열까지 세고 나면 바꾸어 타자. 」「그래, 알았어.」
“Now next is rabbit's turn. Change if you count to 10.” “All right!”

1・2・3、4・5・6,7・8・9・10、 おまけの おまけの……
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, a bonus, a bonus……”

하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯, 일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열.
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.”
부모님께 드리는 글

“곰돌이는 욕심꾸러기야!”
“곰돌이는 심술꾸러기야!”
혼자만 그네를 차지하려는 곰돌이를 두고 친구들은 이렇게 마구 흉을 봅니다. 정말 곰돌이는 욕심을 부리고 심술궂게 행동했습니다. 그렇다면 여기 소개하는 「그네 좀 태워 줘.」는 욕심과 심술을 부리면 안 된다는 걸 가르쳐 주려는 교훈책일까요?
곰돌이의 욕심은 아이들 세계에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 모습입니다. 자신의 행동을 반성적으로 자각할 힘이 없는 ‘자아 중심적 단계’이기 때문입니다. 그러나 이야기는 곰돌이가 서로 양보하며 함께 어울려 노는 기쁨을 깨닫는 것으로 나아갑니다. 이때, '자아 중심'의 세계에서 사회화로 나아가는 발전 과정이 또래 집단 안에서 자연스레 이루어지는 것이 중요합니다. 양보심이나 협동심 등의 덕목은 규범으로 강요되기보다는 경험적으로 체득해 나가야 할 성질의 것이기 때문입니다.
이와 더불어 “곰돌이는 셋까지밖에 못 세는구나. 우리 석이는 몇까지 셀 수 있지?”하고 지적 흥미를 자극시켜 주면 좋을 것입니다.
English translation
To parents

“Komdori is greedy!”
“Komdori is unkind!”
Komdori’s friends speak evil of Komdori who is going to have a swing to himself in this way. Komdori really took an ill-natured action greedily. Then is “Let me use the swing” the lesson book that tells “You must not be greedy and unkind?”
Komdori’s desire is seen well in the children’s world. This is because they are on the “egocentric stage” and they don’t have the power to be aware of their own action and reflect on themselves. However, the story advances to the direction that Komdori realizes joy that he makes a concession to his friends and plays with them together. Then it is important that the development process to advance from the world of “the egocentrism” to the socialization is managed naturally in a group of the same age. Because the moral characters such as mutual concessions or the sense of cooperation are the properties that you must acquire by experience than being forced in a rule.
We hope you think over “Komdori can count only to three. How about our children?” And we hope you stimulate your interest.
The tone is as if this Korean totally made a story.

Nontan’s birthday

Nontan’s friends went somewhere leaving Nontan. They were getting ready for Nontan’s birthday. This story tells the friendship.

Nontan! Santa Claus is coming

Nontan falls asleep while waiting Santa on his hunkers under a tree. When he gets up early, he is really pleased to see the red car that Santa gave him. “Thank you very much, Santa.”

Bear’s birthday(New version)

Bear’s friends went somewhere leaving Bear. They were getting ready for Bear’s birthday. This story tells the friendship.

Santa Claus is coming(New version)

Bear falls asleep while waiting Santa on his hunkers in front of his house. When he gets up early, he is really pleased to see the airplane that Santa gave him. “Thank you very much, Santa.”

Why “CHEVROLET”? Because Korean can not accept Japanese??
Why “FORD”? Because Korean can not accept Japanese??

“Princess Deokhye, The last princess of the Joseon dynasty”
“徳恵姫 李氏朝鮮最後の王女” / 本馬恭子Honma Yasuko (1998)
(葦書房Ashi Shobo)
Korean version (2008)
“The last princess of the Joseon, Princess Deokhye”
조선朝鮮의 마지막 황녀 덕혜옹주皇女 徳恵翁主” / 권비영Kwon Pi-yeong (2009)
(다산책방Tasan Chaekbang)
Ms. Kwon Pi-yeong said, “Honma Yasuko’s book was the most complete reference material” in her novel and denies plagiarism. However, she did not collect data about the princess, and borrowed the numberless resources Honma investigated through hardships. In other words, she wrote the novel from Honma’s book.
(Korea・OhmyNews, documents for the plagiarism examination)
Ms. Honma spent much years and money to investigate the documents and to write the biography of the princess, but Ms. Kwon finished writing her novel based on the Honma’s book on her desk in only several months without spending money.
Generally, people call this a plagiarism in the world, but in Korea it’s not a plagiarism for the Japanese things.
Korean people say, “반일 무죄反日 無罪 (The crime against Japanese is innocent).”
Ms. Kwon Pi-yeong should have got the consent of the Japanese author at least.

Den lille Havfrue, The Little Mermaid (H.C. Andersens Samlede eventyr og historier)
アンデルセンAndersen童話全集 (1963)
translator : 矢崎 源九郎 (Yazaki Genkuro)
アンデルセンAndersen童話 (1968)
translator: 槇本 ナナ子 (Makimoto Nanako)
illustrator: 駒宮 録郎 (Komamiya Rokuro)
矢崎 源九郎 (Yazaki Genkuro) is a scholar and translator of Nordic literature.
안데르센Andersen 동화전집童話全集 (1972)
translator : 강두식 (Kang Du-shik), 박환덕 (Pak Hwan-deok)
illustrator: 김광배 (Kim Kwang-bae)
A Korean blog writes, “These did not copy the Japanese books but translated the original books of the German publishing company, Erraman Verlag”. After all it seems they translated Japanese books. Of course “Erraman Verlag” does not exist.

It’s very famous in Korea that the president of publishing company plagiarised “DRAGON BALL”. He published “드라곤DRAGON비밀秘密” (the secret of the dragon) and gained several billions of won.

Author : 鳥山 明 (Toriyama Akira)

Author : 장장 (Chang Jang)

“내 사랑 내 곁에” is one of the most popular songs in Korea. It won the Korean golden disk Prize in 1991. O Taeho who composed this song said, “I have never heard the Japanese song”. (Plagiarism music in Korea
恋におちて -Fall in love- (1985)

song : 小林明子 (Kobayashi Akiko)
내 사랑 내 곁에 (1991)

song : 김현식 (Kim Hyeong-shik)

  • Korea has come under a vast influence of Japanese language and Japanese culture since Annexation of Korea in 1910. Most Koreans do not notice that they are totally immersed in Japanese culture. Therefore, Koreans like Japanese culture basically. For example, there are cherry trees in Korea too. Some Koreans insist the origin of the Japanese cherry tree is in Korea. They do not know that Japanese planted them in Korea.
  • It is not so bad to imitate something, especially Japanese thing in Korea.
  • There are few Koreans to confess “I imitated it” honestly as follows. This is “Kenchanayo (Never mind. Don’t worry about details)”. It is one of Korean national traits.
  • The Korean things are announced several years later after Japanese things are announced. Korean seems to think that the copyright disappears or plagiarism is not found out, if time passes.
  • The Koreans have plagiarized many Japanese things, but they have never apologized to the Japanese authors even if the plagiarisms come to light.
  • In the present the Internet has developed, the Korean plagiarisms that you can know immediately as in the old days have decreased. For example, there were many Korean books that plagiarized all from the cover to the contents of Japanese books once, but it has decreased to plagiarize the cover now. However, like plagiarism of Shin Kyung-sook (申京淑), it is performed a lot even now to plagiarize the invisible contents.
  • Japan is a “treasure house of ideas” for Koreans. The Korean plagiarism of Japanese things is huge and innumerable.

Almost Everyone's Guide to Economics / John Kenneth Galbraith and Nicole Salinger (1978)


ガルブレイスGalbraith現代経済入門 : ほとんどすべての人のための (1978)

translator: 鈴木 哲太郎 (Suzuki Tetsutaro)


인간人間에게 경제經濟란 무엇인가 (1979)

translator: 趙容範 (Cho Yong-Bom)
(English original)
Chapter 2
The Economic Systems

NICOLE: How would you describe the economic system which you say is common to the industrial countries, the non-socialist countries, such as the United States, Britain, Germany, France?

JKG: Well, it goes under various names. In France it’s called the liberal economic system. But liberal means conservative in France while in the United States a liberal is to the left and an ultra-liberal is dangerously to the left. The standard American and British reference is to the neo-classical system. In any case, it’s a set of ideas that owe their origin in the latter half of the eighteenth century to Adam Smith and, in some measure, to the French Physiocrats - Quesnay, Turgot and Du Pont, the first of the chemical dynasty. The Physiocrats shared many of Adam Smith’s beliefs but were persuaded that there was special merit in agricultural development. The original ideas were four in number, and they are all still influential.
First, the motivating force or incentive in the economic system is self-interest. This guides people to serve the common interest as though, Adam Smith said, by an invisible hand.
Second, the system is regulated by competition - the competition of many firms in each line of production or trade. Prices are established by competition; all firms are subordinate to the market prices so established; none can influence the prices in the market.
Japanese第二章 経済システムsystem ●新古典派システムsystem四つの考え方
Korean2 경제제도經濟制度 신고전파新古典派(新古典派) 제도制度네 가지사고방식思考方式
アメリカAmericaイギリス、ドイツDeutsch フランスFranceなど、社会主義でない工業国に共通した経済システムsystemがあるといわれました。 ここでそのシステムsystemどんなものか話して下さい。
미국美國,영국英國,독일獨逸 프랑스France사회주의社会主義가 아닌공업국工業國공통共通되는 경제제도經濟制度가 있다고말씀하셨읍니다. 이제제도制度어떤 것인지얘기해 주십시요.
さて、それはさまざまな名称で呼ばれています。 フランスFranceでは自由主義リベラル 経済システムsystem呼ばれています。
그것은갖가지명칭名称으로불리고있읍니다. 프랑스France에서는자유주의自由主義리버럴liberal 경제제도經濟制度불립니다.
しかし、リベラルliberalという言葉はフランスFranceでは 保守的という意味ですが、 アメリカAmericaでは、リベラルliberal人というのは 左寄りの人のことであり、
그러나리버럴liberal이란말은프랑스France에서는 보수적保守的이라는의미意味지만, 미국美國에서는리버럴liberal사람이라고 하면 좌경左傾사람을 지칭指称하며
ウルトラリベラルliberal人とは 危険なほど左翼だということになっています。
울트라ultra(超) 리버럴liberal 사람이라는 건 위험危險할 만큼좌익左翼이라는 뜻으로 통용通用됩니다.
アメリカAmericaイギリスでは、この経済システムsystemのことを ふつう普通新古典派システムsystem呼んでいます。
미국美國이나영국英國에서는경제제도經濟制度을 가리켜 보통普通신고전파 제도新古典派 制度라고부르고있읍니다.
とにかく、それはいくつかの考えの一組であって、 それらの考えの起源は 十八世紀後半にさかのぼり、 アダムAdamスミスSmithそしてある程度は フランスFrance重農主義者たち
어쨌든그것은몇가지사상思想이 한데 모아진 것으로 이들사상思想기원起源 18세기 후반世紀 後半으로거슬러 올라가 아담Adam 스미스Smith그리고어느 정도程度 프랑스France중농주의자重農主義者
――ケネーQuesnayチュルゴーTurgotそれに 化学工業王国の創始者であるデュポンDu Pont――に負っています。
――케네Quesnay,뒤르고Turgot, 화학공업 왕국化学工業 王國창시자創始者듀 퐁Du Pont――에게있읍니다.
重農主義者はアダムAdamスミスSmith 信条の多くと共通するものをもっていましたが、 農業の発展に格別の取柄があると信じていました。
중농주의자重農主義者아담Adam 스미스Smith 신조信条 가운데 많은 것과공통점共通點갖고 있었는데 농업 발전農業 發展각별格別 취할 이 많다고믿고있었습니다.
さて、このシステムsystem根源的な考えは 四つありまして、それらは今日でも強い影響力をもっています。
그런데제도制度근원적根源的사상思想 네가지가 있으며그것들은오늘날에도여전히영향력影響力발휘發揮하고있읍니다.
第一に、経済システムsystemにおける動機となる あるいは刺激誘因は私利であるという考えです。
첫째로경제제도經濟制度에 있어서동기動機가 되는 자극유인刺戟誘因(刺戟誘因)은 개인적個人的 이해관계利害關係이다 라는사고방식思考方式입니다.
アダムAdamスミスSmith言葉を借りると、あたかも 見えざる手に導かれるように、人びとは私利に導かれて共通の 利益に奉仕することになる、というのです。
아담Adam 스미스Smith말을빌면마치 보이지 않는손에인도引導되듯이,사람들은 개인적 이해個人的 利害인도引導되어공통共通 이익利益봉사奉仕하는 것이 된다는 겁니다.
第二に、このシステムsystem規制するのは競争です。 生産や取引の各部門で多くの 企業が競争するのです。価格は競争にって決められます。
둘째로제도制度규제規正하는 것은경쟁競爭입니다. 거래去來각 부문各 部門에서많은 기업企業경쟁競爭하는 것입니다. 가격價格경쟁競爭결정決定됩니다.
There is no Japanese translator’s name in the Korean book. This is the style that the Korean translated the original English book.
Japanese spends a number of months translating the European or American books into Japanese, but the Korean can spend only several weeks translating them.
This is plagiarism rather than retranslation.

Immortality, Inc. / Robert Sheckley
不死販売株式会社 (1972)

Translator: 飯田規和 (Iida Norikazu)
Illustrator: 池田龍雄 (Ikeda Tatsuo)
Immortality, Inc. / Robert Sheckley
불사판매 주식회사不死販売 株式会社 (1985)
The Korean title is almost same as the Japanese one.
(English original)
“Literally? Why, the Spiritual Switchboard is a privately endowed, tax-free organization, chartered to act as a clearing house and center for communications to and from the Threshold plane of the Hereafter. In some cases, of course, people don’t need our aid and can communicate directly with their departed ones. But more often, there is a need for amplification. This center possesses the proper equipment to make the deceased audible to our ears. And we perform other services, such as abjurations, exorcisms, exhortations and the like, which become necessary from time to time when flesh interacts with spirit.”
She smiled warmly at him. “Does that make it any clearer?”
“Thank you very much,” Blaine said, and went down the hall to room 32A.
It was a small grey room with several armchairs and a loudspeaker set in the wall. Blaine sat down, wondering what was going to happen.
“Tom Blaine!” cried a disembodied voice from the loudspeaker.
“Huh? What?” Blaine asked, jumping to his feet and moving toward the door.
べつにむずかしいことはありません。ここは、なくなって、来世の入り口までいったかたと、現世とのあいだの通信をする、いわば電話局のようなものです。 そのへやへいらっしゃれば、むこうから交信をしてくれます。つまり、声が聞こえてきます。それに、お答えになればよいのです。」
そのへやは、壁にはラウドloudスピーカーspeakerがはめこまれ、いす椅子がひとつだけおかれた、小さなへやだった。 ブレインBlaineは、これからなにがおこるのだろうと思いながら、そのいす椅子にこしかけた。
브레인Blaine이 말하자, 프런트 여직원女職員미소微笑지으며,
특별特別히 어려운 건 없어요. 이 곳은 없어지고, 내세来世입구入口까지 간 분하고 현세現世와의 사이의 통신通信을 하는, 말하자면 전화국電話局 같은 것이어요. 그 방에 가시면 그 분에서 교신交信을 해 줍니다. 즉 소리가 들려 와요. 그 소리에 대답対答을 하시면 되는 거여요. ”
브레인Blaine은 인사를 하고 일러 준 방으로 걸어갔다.
그 방의 에는 스피이커speaker장치装置되어 있고 의자椅子가 하나만 놓여있는 작은 방이었다. 브레인Blaine은 지금부터 무슨 일이 일어날 것이인가 생각하면서 그 의자椅子에 앉았다.
토머스Thomas 브레인Blaine…….”
스피이커speaker에서 이 세상 사람의 소리 같지 않은 기분気分 나쁜 소리가 울려 왔다.
“누, 누구요 ……?”
그는 오싹한 기분気分을 느끼면서 대답対答했다.
The Korean translator just replaces each Japanese word with a Korean word.
특별特別어려운없어요.이 곳없어지고,내세来世입구入口까지하고
現世あいだ通信する、 いわば電話局のようなものです。
현세現世사이통신通信하는, 말하자면전화국電話局같은이어요.
가시면그 분에서교신交信줍니다.
소리들려 와요.그 소리대답対答하시면되는거여요. ”

브레인Blaine인사하고일러 준으로걸어갔다.
방의스피이커speaker장치装置되어 있고의자椅子하나놓여있는작은이었다.
브레인Blaine지금부터무슨 일일어날이인가생각하면서의자椅子앉았다.
스피이커speaker에서세상世上사람의 소리 같지 않은 기분気分나쁜소리울려왔다.
“누,누구요 ……?”
오싹한 기분気分느끼면서대답対答했다.

Undersea City / Frederik Pohl
海底の地震都市 (1972)

Translator: 中尾 明 (Nakao Akira)
Illustrator: 沢田 弘 (Sawada Hiroshi)
Undersea City / Frederik Pohl
해저海底지진도시地震都市 (1985)
The Korean title is same as the Japanese one.

(English original)
I watched, half dazed, while the diver, his frightful chores completed, hauled himself out of the water and unzipped his bulky thermosuit.
When he slipped off his helmet, I nearly fell into the pit. The face that looked out from under that helmet was the honest and friendly Negro face of my uncle's righthand man, Gideon Park!
It was enough to bring a crashing finish to one of the worst days of my life; but it was not the end, there was more to come, and worse.
The job of loading was done.
While I watched, Gideon quickly folded the thermosuit, coiled the line, stowed away the loose gear on the little surfacing platform. He said something to Bob, too low for me to hear above the rush of the water.
Then both of them climbed down the hatch.
Motors began to hum inside the little ship.
The hatchways slid shut.
The conning tower telescoped in, until the top of it was flush with the shining hull. The edenite armor film pulsed and shimmered and grew brighter—
And then abruptly I understood at least one of the queerly puzzling things.
Locks? No. There were no locks.
This ship didn't need any locks!
It wasn't a mere sub-sea ship that needed open ways to the deeps; it was something more than that, more powerful and more ominous.
It was a MOLE!
It was a sub-sea cruiser equipped with the ortholytic drills that would permit it to burrow through the solid rock itself.
ぼくは思わずからだを乗りだし、汚水だめの中へ落ちそうになった。ヘルメットhelmetから現れたまっ黒い顔 ― それは、おじの右腕、ギデオンGideonパークParkではないか!
잠수부潜水夫가 끔찍한 작업作業을 끝네고 수중차水中車갑판甲板으로어 올라와서 잠수복潜水服을 벗고 헬멧helmet을 벗었다.
나는 나도 모르게 몸을 내밀어 오수汚水탱크tank 속에 떨어질 뻔했다. 헬멧helmet에서 나타난 새까만 얼굴 ― 그것은 삼촌의 오른팔 역할을 하는 기데온Gideon 파크Park가 아닌가!
기데온Gideon잠수복潜水服을 챙기고 나서 로프rope를 끌어 올리면서 보브Bob에게 뭐라고 말했다. 물소리에 지워져서 내 귀에는 들리지 않는다.
두 사람은 해치hatch로 들어갔다.
수중차水中車내부内部에서 모터motor가 웡웡거리기 시작했다.
해치hatch가 닫혔다.
전망탑展望塔이 가라앉고 선체船体를 덮은 이드나이트Edenite가 살아 있는 듯이 밝게 빛나기 시작했다.
이 때 내 마음 속에서 수수께끼가 풀렸다.
오수汚水 탱크tank에는 잠수선潜水船이 바다속으로 출입出入하는 워터water lock 같은 것은 없다.
이 배는 lock필요必要한 것이다!
이 배는 바다속을 항행航行만 하는 수중차水中車가 아니다. 더 강력強力성능性能을 갖고 있는 것이다.
이 배는 지저地底 굴진차掘進車다!
There are mistranslations here and there. Maybe this is because the Korean company translated it very hastily.
For example, Japanese sentence is “この船は、ロックlockがいらないのだ。”. This means “This ship doen not need a lock.” (The original is “This ship didn't need any locks!”)
But the Korean sentence is “이 배는 lock필요必要한 것이다!”. This means “This ship does need a lock.”
Let's arrange Japanese sentences and Korean sentences in parallel.
헬멧helmet벗었다.나도 모르게내밀어오수汚水탱크tank떨어질 뻔했다.
헬멧helmet에서나타난새까만얼굴그것삼촌오른팔역할을 하는기데온Gideon파크Park아닌가!
기데온Gideon잠수복潜水服챙기고 나서로프rope끌어올리면서보브Bob에게뭐라고말했다.
두 사람해치hatch들어갔다.
전망탑展望塔가라앉고선체船体덮은이드나이트Edenite살아 있는듯이밝게빛나기시작했다.
오수汚水 탱크tank잠수선潜水船바다으로출입出入하는워터water lock같은 것은없다.
lock필요必要한 것이다! (mistranslation)
바다항행航行만 하는수중차水中車아니다.강력強力성능性能갖고있는것이다.
지저地底 굴진차掘進車다!
(English original)
He paused and looked at us.
“ ‘The Tides Don't Wait!’ ” His voice rang out with the old slogan of the Academy. “That means that the Sub-Sea Fleet doesn't live in the past. We recognize the fact of change. We are quick to make the most of new technologies.”
“Gentlemen,” he said in his cold voice of command, “on a basis of your unusual aptitudes, indicated by the scores you have earned on the psychological tests and confirmed by your actual achievements here at the Academy, you have been selected for a mission involving the application of such a new field of scientific development.”
“You are placed on orders.”
“You will be ready for departure by air at twenty-one hundred hours tonight. You will proceed via New York and Singapore to Krakatoa Dome. You will report to the commanding officer of the Fleet base there, for a special training assignment.”
“Gentlemen, you are dismissed.”
And we saluted, about-faced and marched out.
“I told you so,” hissed Harley Danthorpe, the moment we were out of the Commandant's private office. “I had the inside drift!”
But even Danthorpe couldn't tell us what the “special training assignment” might be.

Seaquake City
We were gaining on the sun.
It was less than an hour above the horizon as the last plane of our journey slowed the thunder of its jets, dumped its flaps and came swooping in to the crossed buoyed “runways” of the sea over Krakatoa Dome.
The plane slapped hard against the waves, small though they were—electrostatic “pacifiers” had smoothed out the highest wavecrests between the buoys that marked our landing lane. But our pilot had placed the first contact just right. We skipped once and settled. In a moment we were moored to the bright X-shaped structure that floated over the Dome, the edenite-shielded city that lay three miles beneath us.
“All right, you men! Let's get ready to debark!”
Eskow looked at me and scowled, but I shook my head. Because Danthorpe's name came ahead of ours alphabetically, it had appeared first on the orders—and he had elected to assume that that put him in charge of the detail. It graveled Bob; but, after all, one of us might as well be in charge, and at least it made sure that Danthorpe was the one who had to worry about making connections, clearing customs and so on. We stood up, picked up our gear, and filed out of the overseas jet on to the X-shaped landing platform.
Colossal floating dock! It was nearly a thousand feet along each leg—big enough for aircraft to land in an emergency, when the sea was too rough for even the pacifiers. It towered two hundred feet above the waterline; the keel of its floats lay two hundred feet below; it was a small city in itself.
And yet, it was only a sort of combination front door and breathing tube for the sub-sea city itself. The platform was a snorkel, with special flexible conduits, edenitearmored, to inhale pure air and exhale what came out. Older cities had made do with air-regeneration apparatus; Krakatoa Dome pumped fresh air from the surface. We clambered past the vents that exhaled the air from fifteen thousand feet below and felt the cold damp reek of busy industry, oozing salt water and crowded humanity from far below. It was a familiar smell.
Korean우리해저海底함대艦隊언제까지나과거過去화려華麗했던영광栄光에만해 있을수 없다.
세계世界정세情勢변화変化인정認定하여새로운해저海底개발開発기술技術진보進歩이바지해야할 것이다.시간時間사람기다리지 않는다!”
사령관司令官잠수潜水 사관士官 학교学校모토motto담고다시 한번一番우리둘러봤다.
“여러분우리잠수潜水 사관士官 학교学校학술学術,훈련訓練,심리心理 테스트test에서모두 다우수優秀성적成績올리고 있다.
거기에서새로운과학科学 기술技術특별特別 훈련생訓練生으로뽑혔다.
諸君は、今夜2100出発し、ニューヨークNew YorkシンガポールSingapore経由で、海底都市クラカタウKrakatau向かうのだ。
여러분오늘 밤2100출발出発하여뉴욕New York,싱가포르Singapore를 거쳐해저海底 도시都市 크라카타우Krakatau향한다.
임무任務에 대해서는해저海底 함대艦隊크라카타우Krakatau 기지基地에서지시指示받도록.이상以上이다.해산解散!”
우리힘차게 거수경례하고사령관실司令官室나갔다.
“내말한대로지.정보情報들어와있었어. ”
하고할리Harley자랑을했다.그러나특별特別훈련訓練대해서는아무것도일지 못했다.
해저海底 지진地震 도시都市
우리제트jet속도速度늦추면서바다 위떠 있는X비행장飛行場으로고도高度낮추었다.
“저기서5 미터meter바로 밑해저海底 도시都市 크라카타우Krakatau있어. ”
할리Harley해저海底 도시都市자기이라도 되는것처럼자랑늘어놓았다.
활주로滑走路착륙着陸제트jet즉시굵은로프rope사로잡혔다.항공 모함航空 母艦경우境遇같다.
3 미터meter활주로滑走路두 개가직각直角으로교차交差이다.
그러나해면海面에서활주로滑走路까지70미터meter되니까아무리높은 파도닥쳐도안전安全할 것이다.
떠 있는비행장飛行場해저海底 도시都市현관玄関동시同時시노르헬Schnorchel역할役割하고 있었다.
이드나이트Edenite덮인유연柔軟신선新鮮공기空気해저海底 도시都市보내고
더러워진공기空気바다 위토해내는것이다.
구형旧型해저海底 도시都市더러워진공기空気정화浄化하여재사용再使用하는장치装置갖추고있으나,
최신식最新式해저海底 도시都市 크라카타우Krakatau에서해상海上에서직접直接신선新鮮공기空気끌이들이는방식方式취하고 있다.
우리5 미터meter해저海底공기空気토해내는배기구排気口지나쳤을
冷たくしめった工場臭気や、 塩水のにおいや、人いきれかぎとることができた。
차갑고축축한공장工場취기臭気 소금물냄새,사람의 입김 등맡을수 있었다.

Trent's Last Case / E. C. Bentley
トレントTrent最後の事件 (1960,1962)
(中央公論社Chuokoronsha, 東京創元社Tokyosogensha)

translator: 大久保 康雄 (Okubo Yasuo)
Trent's Last Case / E. C. Bentley
트렌트Trent最後의事件사건 (1977)

translator: (Con Cheong-won)
(English Original)
“I never have done so, for my part,” said Trent. “To hang in such cases seems to me flying in the face of the perfectly obvious and sound principle expressed in the saying that ‘you never can tell’. I agree with the American jurist who lays it down that we should not hang a yellow dog for stealing jam on circumstantial evidence, not even if he has jam all over his nose. As for attempts being made by malevolent persons to fix crimes upon innocent men, of course it is constantly happening. It's a marked feature, for instance, of all systems of rule by coercion, whether in Ireland or Russia or India or Korea; if the police cannot get hold of a man they think dangerous by fair means, they do it by foul. But there's one case in the State Trials that is peculiarly to the point, because not only was it a case of fastening a murder on innocent people, but the plotter did in effect what Manderson did; he gave up his own life in order to secure the death of his victims. Probably you have heard of the Campden Case.”
わが国の国事犯裁判にも、適切な例が一つあります。 ― 無実の人間に殺人の罪をきせようとしたばかりでなく、その策謀した本人がマンダーソンMandersonとそっくり同じことをやったのです ― つまり、目ざす相手の命を奪うために、その男は自分の命を捨てたのです。キャムデン事件というのをお聞きになったことがあるでしょう?」
를 입히려고 꾀하는 사건事件사실事実 늘 일어나고 있읍니다。
이를테면 아일랜드Irland러시아Russia인도Indo 여러 곳의 탄압정치弾圧政治가 이루어지고 있는 곳에서는 그런 책략策略정치政治의 한 특색特色으로 되어 있죠。
관헌官憲위험인물危険人物이라 보고 있는 인간人間정당正当수단手段으로 억누를 수 없을 경우境遇에는 부당不當수단手段으로 목적目的달성達成하는 것입니다。
우리 나라의 국사범國事犯(國事犯)재판裁判에도 적절適切가 한 가지 있읍니다。없는 인간人間에게 살인죄殺人罪를 입히려고 했을 뿐아니라 그 책략策略을 꾀한 본인本人맨더슨Manderson과 똑같은 짓을 한 것입니다。 목표目標하는 상대相對…………」
Japaneseきせようとくわだてる事件が、 事実しょっちゅう起こっているのです。
Korean입히려고꾀하는사건事件 사실事実일어나고있읍니다。
たとえば、アイルランドIrlandロシアRussia インドIndo朝鮮Chosenというように弾圧政治 行われているところは、
이를테면아일랜드Irland러시아Russia 인도Indo여러 곳의 탄압정치弾圧政治 이루어지고있는에서
여러 곳의 ” means “of various places”. The Korean translator hides the word “朝鮮 (Korea)”.
そんな策略政治一つの 特色なっている。
그런책략策略정치政治 특색特色으로되어있죠。
官憲危険人物みなしている 人間正当な手段 押さえることができない場合 不正な手段目的げるわけです。
관헌官憲위험인물危険人物이라보고있는 인간人間정당正当수단手段으로 억누를 수 없을경우境遇 부당不當수단手段으로목적目的 달성達成하는것입니다。
わが国事犯裁判も、 適切な一つあります。 ― 
우리나라국사범國事犯(國事犯)재판裁判 적절適切가지 있읍니다。
無実の人間殺人の罪 きせようとしたばかりでなく、 その策謀した本人マンダーソンManderson そっくり同じことやったのです ― 
없는인간人間에게살인죄殺人罪 입히려고했을아니라 책략策略을 꾀한본인本人맨더슨Manderson 똑같은한 것입니다。
목표目標하는상대相對 ……………………………………………………………………………………」
A Korean blogger writes, “'Trent's Last Case' that Tongseomunhwa company released in 1977 deleted '대한 제국大韓 帝國 (Korean Empire)'. Maybe this is because it retranslated the Japanese version that deleted 'Korean Empire'. I am really angry to Japanese”. However, the Korean translator deleted “Korea” daringly and translated it. In other words, he did not want to put his own country in the oppressed countries.

Trent's Last Case / E. C. Bentley
トレントTrent最後の事件 (1960,1962)
(中央公論社Chuokoronsha, 東京創元社Tokyosogensha)

translator: 大久保 康雄 (Okubo Yasuo)
Trent's Last Case / E. C. Bentley
트렌트Trent의마지막事件사건 (1962)

translator: (Choi Jong-su)
わが国の国事犯裁判にも、適切な例が一つあります。 ― 無実の人間に殺人の罪をきせようとしたばかりでなく、その策謀した本人がマンダースンMandersonとそっくり同じことをやったのです。 ― つまり、目ざす相手の命を奪うために、その男は自分の命を捨てたのです。キャムデンCampden事件というのをお聞きになったことがあるでしょう?」
「그렇고 말고요。
저라면 절대絶対로 그런 짓을 않겠읍니다。
그러한 경우境遇사형死刑을 준다는 것은 의심스러운 것에는 을 주지 못한다는 지극至極당연当然하고 공정公正원칙原則무시無視하는 것이라 생각됩니다。
말하자면 똥개가 코언저리에 jam을 담뿍 묻히고 있다손 치더라도 그와 같은 상황증거状況証拠에 입각하여 그 개에게 jam을 훔쳤다는 를 씌워서 교살絞殺하는 짓을 해서는 안된다고 미국美國의 어떤 법률학자法律学者가 말하고 있읍니다만 저도 그 의견意見에는 찬성賛成입니다。
악의悪意를 가지고 무고無辜인간人間에게 를 덮어씌우려 음모陰謀사건事件사실상事実上 노상 일어나고 있는 것입니다。
이를테면 아일랜드Irland러시아Russia인디아India대한 제국大韓 帝國大韓帝國)과 같은 탄압정치弾圧政治해지고 있는 곳에서는 그러한 책략策略정치상政治上의 하나의 특색特色이 되고 있는 것입니다。
만약 경찰警察위험 인물危険 人物이라 보고 있는 사람을 정당正当수단手段으로는 짓눌러버릴 수 없는 경우境遇부정不正수단手段으로 목적目的수행遂行한다는 것입니다。
우리의 국사범國事犯 재판裁判에도 그에 꼭 알맞는 사건事件이 있읍니다。  ― 무고無辜한 사람들에게 살인죄殺人罪를 눌러 씌우려 했을 뿐만 아니라 그것을 음모陰謀당사자当事者맨더슨Manderson과 똑 같은 일 ―  자기自己목적目的상대방相對方의 목숨을 빼앗기 위해서 그 사나이는 자신自身의 목숨을 버렸던 것입니다。 켐프덴Campden 사건事件을 ……。」
A Korean blogger writes, “This book has the word 'Korean Empire' majestically and it is the splendid work that translated the original book. I recommend the book that translated the original. This is the book that has the word 'Korean Empire'.”

This comment has many faults.
  1. Even if the Japanese book had deleted “Korean Empire”, the Korean who plagiarized the book is bad.
  2. It is a mistake that this book translated the original. You will know that, if you compare it with the Japanese as follows. Like many other Korean books, it translated Japanese.
  3. In the first place the original book does not write “Korean Empire”. The original book writes merely “Korea”, not “Korean Empire”. This is not a name of a country, but it is the word indicating the place. Therefore, it is correct to translate as “朝鮮 (Korea)”.
    The original …“It's a marked feature, for instance, of all systems of rule by coercion, whether in Ireland or Russia or India or Korea;”
  4. You must not say, “It translated the original book” without reading the original book.
  5. This indicates the fault of the national traits of the Korean who extremely insists on their superiority.
Korean「그렇고 말고요。
そんな場合死刑宣告する は、疑わしきを罰せずという、しごく至極 当然な、公正な原則 無視している思う。
그러한경우境遇사형死刑준다는 의심스러운 것에는을 주지 못한다는지극至極 당연当然하고공정公正원칙原則 무시無視하는 것이라생각됩니다。
たとえ野良犬が、鼻のまわりジャムjamいっぱい 塗りつけていても、状況証拠もとづいて、その ジャムjam盗んだ
말하자면똥개언저리jam담뿍 묻히고 있다손 치더라도그와 같은상황증거状況証拠입각하여 에게jam훔쳤다는
きせて 絞め殺すようなことしてはならないと、 アメリカある 法律学者言っていますが、ぼくも、その 意見賛成です。
씌워서 교살絞殺하는 짓해서는 안된다고 미국美國어떤 법률학자法律学者말하고있읍니다만 의견意見에는찬성賛成입니다。
悪意もって無実の人間 きせようとくわだてる 事件が、事実しょっちゅう起こっているのです。
악의悪意가지고무고無辜인간人間 에게덮어씌우려음모陰謀 사건事件사실상事実上노상일어나고있는것입니다。
たとえば、アイルランドIrlandロシアRussia インドIndo 朝鮮Chosenというように 弾圧政治行われているところでは、
이를테면아일랜드Irland러시아Russia 인디아India 대한 제국大韓 帝國大韓帝國과 같은 탄압정치弾圧政治 해지고있는에서는
そんな策略政治一つ 特色になっている。
그러한책략策略정치상政治上하나 특색特色되고있는 것입니다。
官憲危険人物みなしている 人間正当な手段押さえることができない 場合には不正な手段目的げるわけです。
만약경찰警察위험 인물危険 人物이라보고 있는 사람정당正当수단手段으로는짓눌러버릴 수 없는 경우境遇부정不正수단手段으로 목적目的수행遂行한다는 것입니다。
わが国国事犯裁判も、 適切な一つあります。
우리국사범國事犯재판裁判 그에 꼭 알맞는사건事件있읍니다。
 ― 無実の人間殺人の罪 きせようとしたばかりでなく、その策謀した本人 マンダースンMandersonそっくり同じことをやったのです。 ― 
 ― 무고無辜사람들에게살인죄殺人罪 눌러 씌우려했을뿐만 아니라그것을음모陰謀당사자当事者 맨더슨Manderson같은일 ― 
つまり、目ざす 相手奪うために、その 自分捨てたです。
자기自己목적目的 상대방相對方목숨빼앗기위해서사나이 자신自身목숨버렸던입니다。
켐프덴Campden 사건事件 ……。」
  • The Korean plagiarism is a daily occurrence. The Korean plagiarism is boundless and inexhaustible.
  • Enormous number of plagiarisms have been performed in every field of Korea from the modern times to present day. You can say that Korean culture after modern times is almost Japanese culture.
  • Though the Korean people have been brought up in such a large quantity of Japanese culture, the Korean government advocates 친일청산親日清算 (sweeping away Japanese things)” and is going to remove all Japanese-style things thoroughly.

    민주民主” (democracy) is a kanji word made in Japan of the Meiji era and “대통령大統領” is the equivalent of the “president”, too
    근로勤労(Keunro)」 ⇒ 「노동(Nodong)」

     In December, 2019, the Gyeongsangnam-do assembly approved the regulations plan to change  “근로勤労” (work) into “노동” (labor).
     In 2017 when the Democratic Party became the ruling party, Seoul city began to use the word “노동”, because “근로勤労” was derived of Japanese rule. In March, 2019, the city officially announced the regulations lump reform bill that revised 53 regulations, and changed “근로勤労” (work) to “노동” (labor).
     In addition, the governors and the mayers who belonged to the Democratic Party, the ruling party such as Gyeonggi-do, Jeollabuk-do, Pusan city and Kwangju city followed that. But in the first place “” is a kanji made in Japan. It is not a Chinese kanji.
    근로勤労” (work) is an expression to be seen in the record of the Korea dynasty (1392-1897), and there was not a Diet member in the ruling party who could read the history books in the Korean Dynasties period, because they were written in Kanji, not Hangul.
     The ruling Democratic Party (더불어민주당民主黨) and President (대통령大統領) Moon Jae-in are pushing forward “clearing up the dregs of the Empire of Japan”, but “민주民主” (democracy) is a kanji word made in Japan in the Meiji era and “대통령大統領” was devised as an equivalent of “president” in the Edo era, too. It took a firm hold on Japan in Meiji era. Chinese is “総統” or “大総統”.
     The ruling party must change the party name and Moon Jae-in must change his title, but “대통령大統領” is fixed in the constitution. If they want to revise the constitution, they will have to change many laws.
     In addition, “헌법憲法” (constitution) and “법률法律” (law) of Korean words were brought by Japan for the rule era.
     The government and the nation deny the history, and they also see no present, to say nothing of future.
    (It is said that approximately 70% of Korean words are Japanese. Korea abolished the use of the Kanji (Chinese characters) not to need to be conscious of that. As a result, most of Korean people can not understand past historical materials now. The Korean appeals for “일제잔재청산日帝残滓清算 ” (Liquidation of dregs of Japanese imperialism), but in the first place “제국주의帝國主義”(imperialism), “잔재残滓” (dregs) and “청산清算” (liquidation) are Japanese.)

    The current Korean adults had read the Japanese picture books translated in Korean language and the European and American literary works that Japanese translated and the Korean retranslated. And they learned with the textbooks that arranged the Japanese textbooks and were brought up. (The Korean plagiarism books don't have the Japanese illustrator's names or they have Korean names who do not exist. Therefore, the general Koreans still think that Korean drew the illustrations. So some Koreans feel regretful that the names of the illustrator are not written or wonder that, while praising the illustrations.)

    Thus Korea has copied or stolen the Japanese technology, and built up current developed Korea.
    If they really remove the Japanese-style things thoroughly, nothing will remain behind in Korea.
Japanese originals Korean plagiarisms

“The Rising Sun Flag”

Military Illustrated - KOBUNSHA BUNKO (1984)

(Operation F-4J phantom linebacker - KOBUNSHA BUNKO 1986)
F-4ファントムPhantomの性能は驚異的なものだった。 スパローSparrowミサイルMissil四発装備の状態で、高度11㎞ならマッハMach二・二、高度ゼロの海面ギリギリでもマッハMach一・一五の速度を出せる上に、加速所要時間も短く、 増槽を切り離せば、巡航状態(亜音速)からマッハMach一・六まで二分足らず、マッハMach二・〇まででも三分ほどで到達できる。
さらに、複座双発、超音速という条件から、かなりに大型の機体となったのにもかかわらず、主翼の面積は大きく、単位翼面積当たりの荷重が比較的小さなものとなった。 翼面荷重の小ささは、旋回や起動時のGの減少につながる。
旋回・起動性能に優れ、長いレンジを持った超音速爆撃機 ― F-4ファントムPhantomベトナムVietnam戦争におけるMiG狩りの主役として選ばれたのは当然だった。
最大の欠点は、機銃や機関砲という古典的な兵装がなかったことだった。偶然の結果として、格闘戦さえ可能なほどの機動性能を持つことにはなったが、ファントムPhantomに搭載できるミサイルMissilは 前述のレーダーradar誘導スパローSparrow四発を除けば、翼下のパイロンpylonに装着する赤外線誘導方式のファルコンfalconか、同じく赤外線誘導のAIM-9サイドワインダーSidewinder四発のみ。

“The Rising Sun Flag”

Great Operation F-4 Phantom - Kim Seoghwan (1988)

F-4팬텀Phantom성능性能은 놀라운 것이었다. 스패로Sparrow 미사일Missil 네발을 장비装備 하고 고도高度 11㎞ 상공上空에서 마하Mach 2.2, 또한 고도高度 0인 해면海面 가까이에서도 마하Mach 1.15의 속도速度를 낼 수 있는 데다가, 가속加速 소요所要 시간時間도 짧고, 기체機体 바깥쪽의 보조補助 연료燃料 탱크tank를 뗄어뜨리면 순항巡航 상태状態(아음속亜音速)에서 마하Mach 1.6까지 2도 안 걸리고, 마하Mach 2.0까지도 3 정도程度도달到達할 수 있다.
게다가 2인승 초음속超音速이라고 하는 조건条件에서, 상당相当대형大型전투기戦闘機임에도 불구하고 튼날개의 면적面積은 커서 단위単位 면적당面積当 하중荷重비교적比較的 작아졌다. 이렇게 익면하중翼面荷重이 작아진 것은 선회旋回 능력能力과, 기동시起動時 G(중력重力 가속도加速度) 감소減少와 직길된다.
선회旋回 능력能力, 기동起動 성능性能우수優秀하고, 긴 항속航続 거리距離를 가진 초음속超音速 전투폭격기戦闘爆撃機― F-4팬텀Phantom베트남Vietnam 전쟁戦争에 있어서 미그기MiG機 격추撃墜 담당担当주역主役으로 선발選抜된 것은 당연当然하다.
그러나, 이 F-4J 팬텀Phantom에도 결함欠陥은 있다. 최대最大결함欠陥기관총機関銃이나 기관포機関砲라고 하는 손쉬운 무기武器가 없다는 것이다.
다행히 공중空中 격투전激闘戦까지 가능可能정도程度기동機動 성능性能을 갖게끔 되진 했지만, 팬텀Phantom탑재搭載할 수 있는 미사일Missil은 앞에서 말했듯이 레이더radar 유도誘導 미사일Missil인 ‘스패로Sparrow’ 네 제외除外하면, 날개 아래의 파일론pylon장착装着되어 있는 적외선 유도 방식赤外線 誘導 方式의 ‘팰콘falcon미사일Missil이라든지, 똑같은 적외선 유도 방식赤外線 誘導 方式의 AIM-9 ‘사이드와인더Sidewinder미사일Missil 뿐이다.
Japanese スパローSparrowサイドワインダーSidewinder
Korean 스패로Sparrow미사일Missil사이드와인더Sidewinder미사일Missil
スパローSparrowミサイルMissil四発 装備の状態で、高度11㎞なら マッハMach二・二、高度ゼロの海面 ギリギリでもマッハMach一・一五速度出せる上に、
스패로Sparrow 미사일Missil 장비装備 하고고도高度 11㎞ 상공上空에서 마하Mach 2.2,또한고도高度 0인해면海面 가까이에서도마하Mach 1.15속도速度낼 수 있는데다가,
加速所要時間短く、 増槽 切り離せば、巡航状態(亜音速)から マッハMach一・六まで二分足らず、
가속加速 소요所要 시간時間짧고, 기체機体 바깥쪽의 보조補助 연료燃料 탱크tank 뗄어뜨리면순항巡航 상태状態(아음속亜音速)에서 마하Mach 1.6까지2도 안 걸리고,
マッハMach二・〇 まででも三分ほどで到達できる。
마하Mach 2.0 까지도3정도程度도달到達할 수 있다.
さらに、複座双発、超音速という条件から、 かなりに大型の機体となったのにもかかわらず、
게다가2인승초음속超音速이라고 하는조건条件에서, 상당相当대형大型전투기戦闘機임에도 불구하고
튼날개면적面積커서단위単位 면적당面積当하중荷重비교적比較的작아졌다.
이렇게익면하중翼面荷重이 작아진 것선회旋回 능력能力과,기동시起動時G(중력重力 가속도加速度)감소減少와 직길된다.
旋回・起動性能に 優れ、長いレンジ 持った超音速爆撃機 ― F-4ファントムPhantom
선회旋回 능력能力,기동起動 성능性能 우수優秀하고,항속航続 거리距離 가진초음속超音速 전투폭격기戦闘爆撃機― F-4팬텀Phantom
ベトナムVietnam戦争におけるMiG 狩り主役として 選ばれたのは当然だった。
베트남Vietnam 전쟁戦争에 있어서미그기MiG機 격추撃墜 담당担当주역主役으로 선발選抜것은당연当然하다.
그러나,F-4J 팬텀Phantom결함欠陥있다.
最大欠点は、機銃 機関砲という古典的な兵装なかったことだった。
최대最大결함欠陥기관총機関銃 이나기관포機関砲라고 하는손쉬운무기武器 없다는이다.
偶然の結果として、格闘戦さえ可能な ほど機動性能 持つことにはなったが、ファントムPhantom 搭載できるミサイルMissil
다행히공중空中 격투전激闘戦까지가능可能 정도程度기동機動 성능性能 갖게끔되진 했지만,팬텀Phantom 탑재搭載할 수 있는미사일Missil
前述のレーダーradar誘導スパローSparrow 四発除けば、翼下 パイロンpylon装着する 赤外線誘導方式ファルコンfalconか、
앞에서 말했듯이레이더radar 유도誘導 미사일Missil인 ‘스패로Sparrow 제외除外하면,날개 아래 파일론pylon장착装着되어 있는 적외선 유도 방식赤外線 誘導 方式팰콘falcon미사일Missil이라든지,
똑같은적외선 유도 방식赤外線 誘導 方式AIM-9 ‘사이드와인더Sidewinder미사일Missil뿐이다.
“Great Operation F-4 Phantom” was a pirated edition that reprinted “Operation F-4J phantom linebacker” by Kobunsha (Japan) without any permission. The illustrator drew the cover by inverting that of “Military Illustrated” to right and left.
In those days, the anti-Japan campaign for “The Rising Sun Flag” had not begun yet, as you can see from the design of the helmet. As “Anti-Japan education” and “Discount Japan campaign” began in Korea, the campaign that was going to treat “The Rising Sun Flag” in the same way as the Hakenkreuz of the Nazis began.

According to the research by Mr. Yugo Murawaki, Anti-Japan campaign for the sun flag is the new campaign that began after 2011.

On December 13, 2018, the Los Angeles Unified School District said it would remove a mural at a school campus in Los Angeles’ Koreatown neighborhood that bears a similarity to the Imperial Japanese Army’s flag. The American is deceived by Korean.

Why is there no Korean who objects to the company flag of the Asahi Shimbun looking just like the Rising Sun flag?
Because the Asahi Shimbun is the close media to Korea. It has been showing much “consideration” and “friendship” with Korea about the history and the diplomatic disputes that Japan and Korea are opposed to each other. (최석영 (崔碩栄
The Asahi Shimbun reported the news about the comfort women first. It reported “the Japanese military took the comfort women”, although the company said it was false testimony and withdrew that later.

“Republic of Korea independence bond”.
It is said that so-called “Republic of Korea provisional government” issued this in 1919. (from Korean history textbook) - designe of sun flag is used

(But “the Republic of Korea provisional government” did not have a substance as a government. So this is a mere private bond. In Korea this is a necessary document to create the history that “‘Republic of Korea provisional government’ won independence fighting Japan”.)

In 1998 and 2008 when the naval review was performed in Pusan, Korea, the Japanese Self-Defense Force ship raised the flag, but Korea said nothing.

Marriage of a mouse - (1998, Boutique-sha)

editor: 平田 昭吾 (Hirata Syogo)

Marriage of a mouse - (Kyowon)

The right and left inversion clears the problem of an infringement of copyright in Korea.

アトランジャー (Atoranja (1975) - (AOSHIMA)

아트란쟈 (Ateuranja (1980s) - (아카데미 (Academy)

The design of the belt is “The Rising Sun Flag”. You can understand that the Korean did not have special feelings about “The Rising Sun Flag” at that time.

Kaonashi (2001 Studio Ghibli, Japan)

Terriermon (1996 Nintendo, Japan)

Mr. A’s (2017 Korea)

Mr. A’s (2017 Korea)

Its pose is the same as that of Terriermon too. The Korean Patent Office still denies plagiarism because “They are not 100% same”. It’s unbelievable.

On October 30, 2017, it is revealed that the Korean Patent Office approved the plural design registrations that resembled the Japanese famous characters and it causes controversy.
According to SBS News in Korea, the problem is Mr. A’s designs that were registered after examination by the Patent Office.

Mr. A said as always, “I received inspiration from the masks of Hahoe Folk Village in Korea. It’s not a plagiarism.”, (similar to the excuse of EVISU KOREA but it resembles “No-Face”, the character in “Spirited Away”, Japanese animated fantasy film produced by Studio Ghibli.
The another character that he said was made from the image of a yellow rabbit” reminds you of “Pikachu” in “Pocket Monster” somehow and some says it resembles “Terriermon” in “Digital Monster”.
Mr. A’s registered designs are manufactured and are sold on the Internet, but Nintendo applied to the Patent Office for an objection about Mr. A’s four designs last month.
About the designs becoming the problem, the person concerned of the Patent Office said, “They are not 100% same. There is something that we cannot but judge subjectively.”

Nothing has been accepted, even if Japanese sued something in Korea. Probably it will be useless even if they sue.
Korean trial system was brought by merger by Japan. “Separation of powers” is not established in Korea, and the Korean judges are controled by the government and are influenced by the public opinions. It is said, “There is the unwritten law called ’Korean emotion law’ that is more dominant than the constitution in Korea.”
Koreans are allowed to do some crime there, if it is to Japanese. This is “The crime against Japanese is innocent.” So Koreans can copy Japanese things without any permission.

As Korea ignored the 2015 Japan-Korea agreement over the issue of comfort women in January, 2018, Koreans seem to think they can ignore both the agreements and the rights if time passes.

TBS Drama“Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu”(2016)

tvN Drama“I Beon Saeng eun Cheo eum ra”(2017)

Two stories that the man and woman who did a contract marriage reaches the marriage are same. The scene where two people of the chief character talk about marriage with in a bus and the scene where co-workers of the company doubt bogus marriage, etc. are same.
Yoon Nan-joong in charge of the script was put under similar suspicion in the past.
Talking of her masterpiece KBS 2TV drama “Queen of the Office” (2013), she dramatized the Japanese drama in 2009. After that, she bought copyright.
She was criticized that the KBS 2TV drama “Darpaengi goiwon” televised in 2010 was the plagiarism of the novel “Waseda 3 jo seisyunki” by Japanese writer Hideyuki Takano and the drama “Widaehan gyechunbin” was the plagiarism of the novel “Kūchū Buranko” by Japanese writer Hideo Okuda. (Korea・Ohmy News)
The Korean broadcasting station stated, “It’s not a remake or plagiarism” as always.

AKB48 - Tokyo Dome concert opening (2012)

"Idol re-booting project The unit" (October 13, 2017 KBS2)

On October 13, 2017, Korean public broadcasting KBS2 showed the music video of the program “Idol re-booting project The unit.” In Korea, there are many voices in support of KBS such as “It is a common producing.” (Korea・mydaily) Is this a “common producing"?
Koreans used to say “It’s not a plagiarism, because I have never seen the Japanese thing before.” The words seem to turn into “common producing” this time.

Battleship Island (Hashima)

  1. Regardless of the birthplaces and races, wages were paid all the members properly.
  2. Koreans, both living alone and with families, acted as Japanese citizens and lived in harmony with Japanese in the same community.
  3. Korean women wore the Chimageogori traditional dress and performed ethnic dances pleasantly.
  4. Korean and Japanese children studied together at school.
  5. Given the small size of Hashima and the residential environment there, it was absolutely impossible to do inhumane acts like the abuse of Koreans without Japanese women’s or children’s knowledge living on the island.

Battleship Island (movie)

Korean movie (2017)
  1. Laborers subjected to coercive recruitment were abused on Hashima Island.
  2. During the World War II, Japanese workers were moved to safe places while only Chinese and Korean forced laborers were made to work.
  3. More than 1,000 Chinese and Korean forced laborers died on the island.
    (If this were true, a quarter of total Hashima population at that time should have died. On the island, even one person’s death was mourned by all others on the island.)
  4. Their bodies were abandoned into the sea or dead mines.
The grounds that these are facts are not shown.
  1. The director said he had added “cinematic imagination”to the movie, but it has too many imaginations and lies. Of course the movie is fiction, but in Korea it is shown saying that it is a historical fact. The Koreans who watched the movie believe it is a historical fact.
  2. During World War II, as for Japanese, “freedom to choose occupation” was limited by “National Mobilization Law”. So the workplaces were decided by the order of the nation. The Korean workplaces were decided by the nation too, because they were Japanese in those days. So “forced laborers” are not for only Korean but also for Japanese.
  3. This is one of Korean “Discount Japan Campaign”. Korea has continued propaganda of spreading false stories to the world, has denigrated Japan in the global community and has looked down on Japan. They think doing so can put up their position in the world.
  4. This is the usual pattern that the Korean favourite fabrication is carried out.
    1. A authority such as the movie advocates one opinion without showing any evidences.
    2. Korean newspapers and the net give a loud voice “it is true”.
    3. Korean people believe that it is a truth.
  5. Korean drama “Dae Jang Geum”(wikipedia) indicates Korean trait well.
    Jang-geum (fl. early 16th century) was reputedly the first female Royal Physician in Korean history. (wikipedia)
    She was mentioned 10 times in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. It is known that King Jungjong was pleased with Jang-geum's medical knowledge and trusted her with taking care of the royal family. Henceforth, Jang-geum became the third highest-ranking officer in the Court, and was granted the use of Dae (which means “great” in Korean) before her first name.
    The Korean drama, “Dae Jang Geum” is a success story that Jang-geum became the chief physician of the king through various difficulties such as she was falsely charged and she was dropped in the social position of the slave.
    Approximately 100% of contents of the drama are fiction, but most Koreans are convinced that it is a historical fact.
    Probably it will be only Korean who can create a grand story from several lines of historical records and can believe it as a historical fact all over the world.

CF of the Japanese famous drinking water (2016)

School song of “Idol school" (Korea・Mnet 2017)

Mnet “Idol school" plagiarized Japanese famous drink CF  (Korea・news1)

Similar points
  1. Same uniformed high school girls stand in a classroom or on the roof of the school, and dance there with the same choreography in a group.
  2. Water gushes out of the roof.
  3. General design.
  4. High school girls' position.
  5. They do the dance of the same choreography in a group and sing a dream and hope.
  6. General atmosphere and camera angle.
  7. Music.

Mnet side said as always that this was not plagiarism.


TochiotomeRed pearlAkihime

Kinds of Japanese strawberry flow out into Korea, the loss is 22 billion yen in five years
- Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF) thinks that if Japanese kinds had not flowed out into Korea, Korean kinds would not have been developed and exported. MAFF calculated the amount of loss, assuming that strawberry that Japan should be able to export was replaced by products in Korea.
  • It estimated the amount of loss of Japan for five years was up to 22 billion yen. The Japanese export of strawberry was 1,100 million yen last year. It is 5,500 million yen in five years. So the amount of loss is approximately 4 times of that.
  • If Japanese farmers had been able to register the kinds, they would have got 1,600 million yen a year as royalty. Korea has the variety registration system, but the strawberry was out of registration until 2012, and so Japanese side was not able to register the kinds before the outflow.


These were made by taking seedlings from Japan without permission

crossbreeding of Red pearl & Akihime

crossbreeding of Akihime & Tochinomine (parent of Tochiotome)

crossbreeding of Tochiotome & Akihime

“Japanese species entered from Japan naturally.” - Korean farmers say
Pirated Version of Agricultural products

  • “Tochiotome” that Tochigi prefecture developed and “Red pearl”, “Akihime”, etc that Japanese farmers developed were took out into Korea without any permission, and
  • Korea crossbred them and developed the kinds called the “Solhyang”, “Mehyang” and “Kumhyang”. Their export to each Asian country is prosperous, too and exceeds Japanese kinds.
  • In Korea this is a success story. The Korean farmers who took the seedlings without permission are heroes in Korea. (Korea・Yonhap News)

    It is same as the terrorist who assassinated the Japanese Prime Minister becoming a hero.
    It is same as the Korean criminal who caused the explosion in Yasukuni shrine restroom on December 10, 2015. He said he wanted to be a hero in Korea.

    Koreans say “The crime against Japanese is innocent (반일무죄 反日無罪).”

Commercial film “Smart WONDER Core” (Youtube)

Commercial film “GS25' One-touch tent present campaign" (Youtube)

A Korean convenience store plagiarizes famous Japanese commercial film. Incidental music is similar too.

On June 5, 2017, a thread entitled “A Korean convenience store plagiarizes famous Japanese commercial film” appeared on the Korean Internet.
The host of the thread said, “It imitates considerably impudently.”
Japanese watch the some Korean dramas, but do not watch others. Koreans watch any Japanese things and study them.

Fit’s (2009) - LOTTE

Fitz Super Clear (2017) - Korean LOTTE

It is considered that Korean LOTTE plagiarized the name of the popular chewing gum products of Japanese Lotte.
The person concerned of Korean Lotte alcoholic beverages says as always, “the trademark plagiarism scandal is groundless.” (Korea・Yonhap News 2017.5.25)

Aerial (2009) - YAMAZAKI-BISCUITS (Japan)

Sakusaku Corn (2015) - Seven-Eleven Japan

Kobuk Chip (2017) - ORION

This closely resembles with “Aerial” and “Sakusaku Corn”. They are 4 laminar structure snacks. The corn taste version of “Kobuk Chip” resembles that of “Sakusaku Corn”. A person concerned with ORION contradicted that and said as always, “We knew that there were products similar to our product in Japan. The form is the same as a Japanese one, but process of manufacture is totally different.” (Korea・Asia Economy 2017.3.22)
This means ORION confesses that it studied the process of manufacture of the Japanese products.

Spirited Away (2001) - Studio Ghibli

Moonlight palace (2016) - Kim Hyun-joo

“The girl of the heroine falls into the world that anyone does not know, and she meets trouble with the woman of power of the wrongdoer. A boy helps her and uses the dragon.” If you read only this sentence, you will know this is the story of “Spirited Away”, but this is exactly the story of “Moonlight palace”. In addition, it was revealed that the background music plagiarized “Escape” (OST of animation “Robots”) composed by John Powell. (Korea・Namu wiki)
The Korean supervisor denies as always, “This is not plagiarism at all”.

American original
Pokémon Go (2016) - Niantic, The Pokémon Company, Nintendo

Pororo Go (2016) - Socialnetwork

French original

Korean fake
cha LOUISVUI tondak

The manager changed the parodied name “LOUIS VUITON DAK” to “cha LOUISVUI tondak”. But the court said, “Although he changed the name with different spacing, the two names sound almost the same. So he violated the court order and should pay the money.” (April 12, 2016)   (Korea・The Hankyoreh)
If this brand company were a Japanese company, the court would have declared the Korean shop's win. But the court did the right judgment, because it was a French company. Refer to the following cases.
Dongdaemun Night Market (Zero's blog of stay in Korea)
The left is a genuine and the right is a fake. The squares under the button are cut in top and bottom. They do that on purpose. Because if they completely copy it, they are arrested. They are not arrested in Korea if not perfect.
“The false brand goods are illegal. Anyone knows that. But we do not kill any person, so it is not a big problem for us to make fakes.” This is called “kwaenchanayo” mind. “It's all right if the fake does not found out” is also “kwaenchanayo” mind.

Italian original

Korean fake
PURADAK (Chicken)

Canadian original
Tim Hortons (Coffee)

  (Canada・Global News) (August 13, 2015)

Korean fake
Tim Mortons,Tim House

Yasuo Segawa “Peekaboo”(1967)

Choe Sook-Hee “Peekaboo of animals of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac”(1998)

Lane Smith (U.S.) “The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales”(1992)

Choe Sook-Hee “The hen which swallowed the water of the river”(2002)

Yukio Mishima “Patriotism (憂國 Yūkoku)”

Japanese 二人とも實に健康な若い肉體を持ってゐたから、その交情ははげしく、 夜ばかりか、演習のかえりの埃だらけの軍服を脱ぐ間ももどかしく、歸宅するなり中尉は新妻をその場に押し倒すことも一再でなかった。 麗子もよくこれに應へた。最初の夜から一ト月をすぎるかすぎぬに、麗子は喜びを知り、中尉もそれを知って喜んだ。
Korean translation 두 사람 다 건강健康한 젊은 육체肉體소유자所有者였던 탓으로 그들의 밤은 격렬激烈했다. 밤뿐만 아니라 훈련訓練을 마치고 흙먼지투성이의 군복軍服을 벗는 동안마저 안타까와하면서 집에 오자마자 아내를 그 자리에 쓰러뜨리는 일이 한두 번이 아니었다. 레이코麗子도 잘 했다. 첫날밤을 지낸 지 한 달이 넘었을까 말까 할 때 벌써 레이코麗子는 기쁨을 아는 몸이 되었고, 중위中尉도 그런 레이코麗子변화變化를 기뻐하였다.
Japanese 二人の心には、俄かに解き放たれたやうな油然たる喜びが湧いた。
Korean translation 너무나도 자연自然스럽게 두 사람의 가슴에 기쁨이 넘쳐나는 바람에 서로 마주 보는 얼굴에는 절로 미소微笑가 떠올랐다.
Japanese 遠い遠い深部で、地が裂けて熱い熔岩が流れ出したやうに、怖ろしい劇痛が湧き出して來るのがわかる。
Korean translation 자신自身내부内部라고는 생각할 수 없는 머나먼 깊은 곳에서 땅이 갈라지고 용암熔岩이 쏟아져 나오는 것처럼 격렬激烈한 아픔이 솟구쳐 오르는 걸 알 수 있었다.

Shin Kyung-sook “Legend”

두 사람 다 건강健康육체肉體주인主人들이었다. 그들의 밤은 격렬激烈하였다. 남자男子는 바깥에서 돌아와 흙먼지 묻은 얼굴을 씻다가도 뭔가를 안타까워하며 서둘러 여자女子를 쓰러뜨리는 일이 매번每番이었다. 첫날밤을 가진 뒤 두 달 남짓, 여자女子는 벌써 기쁨을 아는 몸이 되었다. 여자女子청일淸逸한 아름다움 속으로 관능官能향기香氣롭고 풍요豐饒롭게 배어들었다. 그 무르익음은 노래를 부르는 여자女子의 목소리 속으로도 기름지게 스며들어 이젠 여자女子가 노래를 부르는 게 아니라 노래가 여자女子에게 빨려오는 듯했다. 여자女子변화變化를 가장 기뻐한 건 물론 남자男子였다.
어느 순간瞬間, 두 사람의 내부內部에 너무도 자연自然스럽게 기쁨이 넘쳐나는 바람에 두 사람의 얼굴엔 저절로 미소微笑가 떠오른다.
마찬가지로 자신自身내부内部라고 생각되지 않는 가슴속 깊은 데서 격렬激烈한 아픔 같은 것이 솟구쳐 오르더니 흰 배구排球공이 튀어올라와 통통거렸다.
When it was revealed that Shin plagiarized Yukio Mishima's passage from Patriotism in her book Legend on June 16, 2015, she denied plagiarism at first. After all she apologized to her readers, but she did not apologize to Mishima as always.

Ciara “Work” (U.S.)
MV of “Work”

Girls' Generation
MV of “Catch Me If You Can” (April, 2015)

The location in the construction spot and clothes are the same.


Girls' Generation (January, 2015)

A stylist of Girls' Generation said, “This is an hommage. If you say that this is just like a copy, they are words of praise that mean our clothes have good quality such as the luxury brand, aren't they?”


Girls' Generation

Pierre Balmain - Spring Collection 2015

Girls' Generation

Katy Perry (U.S.A)

Girls' Generation

Austin Powers (film series)

Girls' Generation

Sonia Rykiel (France)

Girls' Generation

The decoration on the head is same too.

Alexander McQUEEN (U.K.)

Girls' Generation

Freja Beha (Denmark)

AFTERSCHOOL - girl group (2011)

Katy Perry (U.S.A)

Orange Caramel

GUCCI (Italy)


Momoiro Clover Z (2012)


Words of Soichiro Honda
*Words of Soichiro Honda (1906 - 1991)*

The patents were stolen by Korean company and Korean government.
He was angry and said,

“Never associate with Korea!”

  • The Taiwanese maker supported by HONDA sent a message,
    We became able to produce motorcycles same as Japan. Please come to look!
  • The Korean maker supported by HONDA sent a message too,
    We became able to produce motorcycles same as Japan. You do not have to come here again.
Taiwan and Korea were colonies of Japan in the same way.
Taiwanese understands not only the negative aspects of the colonization but also the positive aspects of that,
but Korean does not try to recognize the positive aspects at all.
This story shows difference between Taiwanese and Korean national traits well.

Suzuki Hayabusa (隼)

Kawasaki ZX-7R Ninja

Honda CBR600RR

From a blog

Stickers of “Falcon” (隼), “SUZUKI” and “GSX1300R” are put on.

R1 (YAMAHA) for the front mask, and Kawasaki ZX-7R Ninja for the body color and the sticker.

Ducati/FILA (Italy) for the color, HONDA on the tank and YOKOHAMA R & D sound & power on the muffler
Japanese Originals   Korean Copies

Japanese original Korean fake

Happy butter potato chips (2009) - Calbee

Honey butter chips (2014.8) - HAITAI + Calbee

This causes an explosive boom in Korea. But this invites the criticism that “it is a copy of Japanese product” in Korea, because this is produced in the joint management factory with the Japanese confectionery company.
It is strange to criticize only this with “copy” because the confectionery that doesn't copy Japanese products is a little in Korea.
In Korea, you can find the imitation of anything that is popular in Japan. That's OK in Korea.
HAITAI confectionery explains as always that “Honey butter chips” is the product which HAITAI developed originally.
But Calbee answered “'Honey butter chips' is developed based on 'Happy butter chips'. HAITAI arranged the seasoning.”
HAITAI should not say obstinately that “it's an original product.” HAITAI had better say honestly that “it is a new taste in cooperation with the Japanese company.” (Sankei digital)

Bâton d'or (2012) - Glico

Pocky (1966) - Glico

Pocky consists of chocolate-coated biscuit sticks.

Ezaki Glico ran out of patience at last. November 2014 Glico filed a suit for the sale suspension of “Premiere Pepero”. (Rocket news 24)
The Korean court will not accept the Japanese claim as far as it is a Japanese suit as usual. It is a waste of time to sue the Korean company.

(On August 23, 2015, the case was decided in favor of the plaintiff by the Seoul central district court. (Korea・JoongAng Ilbo) It is unusual for a Japanese side to win, because it is conventional for Japanese side to lose the case. “Lotte Holdings” of the holding company of “Korean Lotte” is a Japanese company, though. If Lotte were a pure Korean company, Lotte would have won.
Koreans say that the court matched the judgment with Korean popular sentiment, because the criticism against Lotte including the boycott of the Lotte products was increasing. Most of Korean trials are not administered based on “rule of law”, but on popular sentiment. It is not decided yet whether Korean Lotte appeals.)

Premiere Pepero (2014) - Korean LOTTE

Pepero (1983) - Korean LOTTE

UNAGI (Eel) PIE (1961) - Shunkado

In Unagi Pie Factory Tour you can learn how Shunkado unagi (eel) pies are made. The Tour shows you the manufacturing processes of baking, inspection and wrapping.
It is a waste of time for Shunkado to sue the Korean company.

JANGO (Eel) PIE (2013) - Surihol confectionery

The Korean company “Surihol confectionery” that had observed the Japanese confectionery company “Shunkado” in Hamamatsu-shi released “JANGO (Eel) PIE” looking just like “UNAGI (Eel) PIE”. “Surihol confectionery” insists as always, “We developed it originally.”

Turmeric Power (2004) - HOUSE WELLNESS FOODS Co., LTD.

Termeric extract - Korean LOTTE

Pack'n Cho (1983) - MORINAGA

This is a cookie chocolate is contained inside.

Kan Cho (1984) - Korean LOTTE

Tongari Corn (1978) - House Foods

Corn is the main material. House Foods cooperated
with American “General Mills” and started release.

Kokkar Corn (1983) - Korean LOTTE

Shrimp Crackers (1964) - Calbee

This is a crunchy, shrimp -flavored snack resembling french fries.
The version produced by Calbee America is called Shrimp Flavored Chips.

Shrimp Crackers (1971) - Nogshim

Calorie Mate (1983) - Otsuka Pharmaceutical

This is a brand of energy-supplement foods.

Calorie Balance (1995) - HAITAI


Fruit of Pie (Chocolate Pie) (1979) - LOTTE (Japan)

This is a cookie chocolate is contained in 64 pieces of piecrust.

Choco Homerun Ball (1981) - HAITAI

Habanero (2003) - Tohato

The snack consists of potato rings including habanero pepper.

Chordeshin (2006) - HAITAI

The person of the Haitai spoke, “It took approximately one year to release 'Chordeshin' by the planing of combination materials of the product and the character open call.” And he continued as always, “The wrapping and the design have resembled 'Habanero' accidentally, because we thought to emphasize hot taste."

Fran (1998) - meiji

This consists of chocolate-coated biscuit sticks of the cocoa flavor.


amino supli (2002) - KIRIN

This is said to be amino version of the supplement
and is a leading brand of the amino acid-based drink.

amino up (2007) - HAITAI

Caramel Corn (Peanuts) (1971) - Tohato

This is a puff-formed snack with a small peanut.

Caramel Corn Peanuts (1989) - CROWN

HI-CHEW ( (1975 chewing soft candy) - MORINAGA

The origins of Hi-chew began when Taichiro Morinaga sought to create an edible kind of chewing gum that could be swallowed because of the Japanese cultural taboo against taking food out of one's mouth.

Mai-jjyu (2004 chewing soft candy) - CROWN

In 2004 Morinaga sued Crown. “MY-CHEW” closely resembles “HI-CHEW” up to size, shape, taste, color, texture and packing.
But the Korean court did the judgment that Morinaga lost the case. It said they were not similar at all.
Don't you think so?

ELISE (1979) - Bourbon

This is a wafer chocolate cream or white cream is contained inside.

Chocoheim - CROWN

KitKat (1973) - Nestlé Japan

Kit Kat is a chocolate-covered wafer biscuit bar confection that was created by Rowntree's of York, England, and is now produced globally by Nestlé.

Kiko (Kicker) (1979) - CROWN


In 1962, Yoshinobu Matsuo completed the chocolate that children could buy.

Miniswel Chocolate (1990) - CROWN

Mushroom Mountain (1975) - meiji

The umbrella part of the mushroom consists of milk chocolate and the bitter chocolate, and the handle part of the umbrella is a cracker.

Choco Mushroom (1984) - ORION

Ottotto (1981) - MORINAGA

This is a seafood-shaped mini-snack.

Whale Rice (1984) - ORION

The design of the box is similar, too. A big whale and several small fishes. There is a balloon, too. Orion seems to form the technical tie-up with Morinaga. (wikipedia)

Angelpie (1958) - MORINAGA

This is the chocolate pie that has marshmallow inside of tender dough.

Chocopie (1974) - ORION

Peko (1950)&Poko (1951) - FUJIYA


Rice Cracker (1986) - Kameda Seika

This is a rice cracker coated in soy source and sugar.

Burnt Rice Candy - Royal

Clothes are changed to Korean style.

Hiyoko (Chick) (1912) - YOSHINODO

Yolk bean jam made from navy bean is wrapped with skin made from wheat flour and an egg.

Byongari (Chick) - Cheong Woo foods

The picture on the paper box is completely same too.

“Hiyoko” was born in YOSHINODO in Iizuka-city, Fukuoka, Japan in 1912. The Korean company explained as always, “I invited an engineer from Japan, was instructed by him, and produced it.” However, Japanese company of “Hiyoko” denied that and said “We did not instruct the Korean company and they imitated it without our permission.”

16 cha (1985) - ASAHI

Jūrokucha literally means “16 teas,” and the drink is a blend of sixteen teas. (from leaves, grains, and fruits)

17 cha (2005) - Namyang

It is quite a Korean to increase by one than a Japanese thing.

"Delicious Milk" (2002) - meiji

Meiji drew a fresh taste of the fresh milk by “natural taste manufacturing method”.

“Delicious Milk” (2010) - Namyang

Brand name and the design to pour milk into a cup are same.

Ajinomoto (1909) - Ajinomoto Company

Ajinomoto's main product, monosodium glutamate (MSG) seasoning, was first marketed in Japan in 1909, having been discovered and patented by Kikunae Ikeda. “味の素” means “the source of taste”.

Miwon (1956) - DAESANG

Both the name in kanji and the design are similar to “味の素”. “味元” means “the source of taste” too.

Lipovitan D (1962) - TAISHO Pharmaceutical

Lipovitan marketed in English-speaking countries under the name Libogen and Livita, is an energy drink manufactured by Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. and its licensee Osotspa.

Bacchus D (1963) - Dong-A Pharmaceutical


This is the restaurant specializing in pork cutlets in Osu, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi.


In 2008 Japanese YABATON took exception to the Patent Office of Korea.
But it was not accepted as always.
“YABA” is the name of Japanese place. The image of the pig which wears the clothes of “Yokozuna” (Sumo champion) is the same. Nothing seems to be accepted if Japanese appeal something in Korea.

Sesame oil - Kadoya Sesame Mills inc. (1858)

Sesame oil - Ottogi Co.Ltd. (1969)

Yakult (1955) - Yakult

Pastel yoghurt - LOTTE FOOD

Only central part is changed a little.

FIBE-MINI (1988) - Otsuka Pharmaceutical

This is a dietary fiber drink.

MIERO FIBER - Hyonde Pharmaceutical

CALPIS (1919)

The beverage has a light, somewhat milky, and slightly acidic flavor, similar to plain or vanilla-flavored yogurt or Yakult. Its ingredients include water, nonfat dry milk and lactic acid, and is produced by lactic acid fermentation.

Coolpis (1980)

Japanese original Korean fake


“The product made in Korea is the complete imitation.”


“I designed it from the Korean mountain. They are similar accidentally.”

In 2006, Korean Evisu won the case in a trademark dispute with Japanese Evisu as usual.

Conversely, Korean Evisu denied that it was an imitation product definitely, and Korean Evisu declared legal action against Japanese Evisu and the media. (wikipedia)

It is a waste of time for Japanese to sue Korean, because the Court doesn't accept the suit of the Japanese.

It is the Korean usual way to sue back if sued. It is Korean traditional way of negotiation to demand many to the opponent in order to get one from the opponent.

If Samsung is sued by Apple, Samsung sues Apple back.

To claim the dominium of “Takeshima” (Tokdo), Koreans claim the dominium of “Tsushima” too and demand to call “Sea of Japan” “East Sea of Korea”.

It is the usual way that Koreans require too many things to get as many as they can.

Mujirushi Ryōhin (1977)

“Mujirushi Ryōhin” means “no brand goods”.

NO BRAND (2015)

Vice Chairperson Chung says this is the imitation of the Japanese shop “Mujirushi Ryōhin" by himself. According to the explanation by Korean “Namu wiki”, it is affected by the growth of Japanese “DAISO”.

Levofloxacin injection agent (Cravit) - Daiichi Pharmaceutica

Levofloxacin injection agent - CJ

In 2004, Korean Chancery gave decision that the patent of Daiichi Pharmaceutica was the technique already known widely, and the patent is invalid.

Paper money

Paper money


Manual of the softball-tennis

Manual of the softball-tennis

The photographs are same too.
The photographs should be Korean at least.

LOGO of good design award

The Good Design Award is Japanese comprehensive design evaluation and commendation system, operated by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion (formerly known as the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization established in 1957).
The G mark was designed by Yusaku Kamekura in 1958.

LOGO of good design award

Tokyu Hands

Tokyu Hands Inc. is a Japanese department store.

Boram Hands

The complete series of world masterpiece, Kodansha

The Prince and the Pauper (1950)Little Women (1952)

The complete series of world masterpiece, Tonggukmunhwasa

The Prince and the Pauper (1955) Little Women (1962)
You can see a slight decline in the standard of Korean pictures.

A Korean researcher speaks it as follows. (Korea・MangaZine 2012.09.25)
“After the Korean War (1950), Korea fell into ruin. But the Korean education did not die.・・・・・・ The world masterpiece complete works and the collection of biographies of great men that Korean writers of children’s literature gave began to appear. They covered all of the world masterpieces. They had illustrations and a hard cover of Western style, and they were sold in expensive prices. They were displayed in the bookstores and were sold for the presents of rich children.”
The Korean researcher seems to be proud of the series, but the researcher does not know that “The complete series of world masterpiece” were the copies of those of Japanese.
It is not “Korean education” but “Korean mind of plagiarism” not to have died.
Japanese original Korean fake

Porco Rosso (Hayao Miyazaki)

Flying Pig - Pirate Mateo

Crayon Shinchan (Yoshito Usui)


Doraemon (Fujiko Fujio)


Yoon Son-ha who is a Korean actress said “I have thought Doraemon is a Korean character until I came to Japan.”

They hide the truth it is made in Japan.


Dragon Ball (Akira Toriyama)

Japanese Goku

Dragon Ball X

Korean Goku (1)

Korean Goku (2) - Super child

Super Kid

Super child

The theme music of the meteor human being Zone (1973)

The theme music of Super Child (1994)

(Korean fake songs)

Please compare by listening to “The theme music of the meteor human being Zone” and “The theme music of Super Child”. They are same.

Ramma1/2 (Rumiko Takahashi)


Pokemon (NINTENDO)


Hanamichi Sakuragi in SLAM DUNK (Takehiko Inoue)

Korean Hanamichi Sakuragi

ATASHINCHI (1999) (Eiko Kera)

The Cover of the book translated into Korean (2003)

“The book of deep sleep in 5 minutes”
written by Miho Mihashi

One piece (Eiichiro Oda)

WA piece

Space Battleship Yamato (1974-1975) (Leiji Matsumoto)

Space Battleship Kobukson (1979)

American original
E.T. (1982)

The Prince of alien who came on a UFO (1983) The Golden pencil and the mischievous alien boy (1983)

Scientific Ninja gacchaman (1972-1974)
(Tatsunoko Productions)

Divine Demon-Dragon Gaiking (1976-1977)
(Toei Animation)

Eagle 5 brothers (1979-1980)

Scientific Ninja gacchaman (“Eagle 5 brothers” in Korea) has become the Korean national animation all too soon without any copyright, just like “Takeshima” that is Japanese territory, but has been occupied by Korea easily.

Iron Man 007

Remade Version in 1995 by Yasuomi Umezu
American Version
Copyright acquired

Grendizer (1975-1977) (Go Nagai)

Mazinger X (1978)

Godzilla (1954) (Ishirō Honda)

Yongary (1967)

Mazinger Z (1972) (Go Nagai)

Robot Taekwon V (1976)

Koreans estimate “Taekwon V” as “the first point of Korean robot animated cartoon”.
At the same time, they think it is “the past symbol that you should reflect on at the point called the plagiarism of the Japanese animated cartoon”. So Taekwon V is a work that brings a complicated state of mind to Korean.

Japanese Robots

Korean Robots

Comparison between Japanese Robots and Korean Robots
Two of the back are Korean Robots.
Why are the Korean robots approximately twice as big as the Japanese ones?
This is really a Korean.
Mazinger Z (Go Nagai)  Cyborg 009 (Shotaro Ishinomori)

Arsène Lupin III (Monkey Punch)
Maginger Z
Japanese original Korean fake
AIBO(Japan 1999)

ASIMO(HONDA Japan 2000)

HUBO(Korea 2005)

Nippon Television


Japanese original Korean fake
JPOP Group Arashi
Logo of Album “Popcorn” - JPOP Group Arashi
Album “1” - KPOP Group B1A4
JPOP Group Arashi
PRETZ - Glico
PRITZ (2014)
They visited Japan on January 12, 2015. One of them said, “I like 'Momoiro Clover Z' and 'Kyary Pamyu Pamyu' in Japan, and BABYMETAL is cool. I am glad if we would become a rival of BABYMETAL.”
“FIRST LOVE” Hikaru Utada (Japanese) (March, 1999)

“FOR YOUR SOUL” Jo Sungmo (Korean) (September, 1999)

Mr.Children(Japanese) “Shifuku no Oto” (April 7, 2004)
The Nuts(Korean) “Stupid of love" (2004)
Jacket of “LA・LA・LA LOVE THANG” by Toshinobu Kubota(Japanese) (December 02,1996)

Jacket of “No.3 BANDLIFE” by Flower(Korean)(June,2001)
LUNA SEA(Japanese) PERIOD (2000)
Japanese girls group “SPEED”
Korean girls group “T.T.MA”
Hideaki Takizawa(Japanese)
GLAY (Japanese)


Japanese TV variety show
“VS Arashi”(Fuji Television)
Korean TV variety show
"Running Man"(SBS)
The producer apologized not for plagiarism, but for not having confirmed that the show was similar accidentally.
Korean always says “It's a coincidence.” and as always he apologized to Korean viewers, but did not apologize to Japanese Fuji TV.
“VS Arashi” “Akkanbe Macho-kun”
“Running Man”(SBS)
Japanese Quiz show
“NEP LEAGUE”(Fuji Television)
Korean Quiz show
“Brain Battle”(MBC)
NHK Nodo Jiman (Singing Contest)” (NHK)
(Radio 1946~, TV 1953~)
  • At 12:15 of every Sunday Nodo Jiman is broadcast from a different city in one of Japan’s 47 prefectures.
  • 20 contestants perform in each week’s competition.
  • A certain number of bells are rung to rate the performance. One or two bells means the contestant sang poorly and is eliminated, while a melody of eleven bells means the contestant sang well enough and has passed.
  • Two special guests - well-known artists in the Japanese recording industry - appear during each broadcast. After all the contestants have performed, each guest performs one of his or her best songs.
  • Finally, all of the contestants who have passed are called to center stage, and after that the most outstanding of these is declared “this week’s champion”.
National Singing Contest” (KBC)
  • At 12:10 of every Sunday the Contest is broadcast from a different city in one of Korea’s districts.
  • About 20 contestants perform in each week’s competition.
  • The judge gives a sound with a xylophone and decides pass or failure.
  • Five special guests - well-known artists in the Korean recording industry - appear during each broadcast. Each guest performs one of his or her best songs in the middle of the contestants’ performances.
  • Finally, a few excellent contestants except the most outstanding are given prizes, and after that the most outstanding is given prize.

Dutch original

Korean fake

In August, 2012, the Seoul central district court dismissed the provisional disposition application that Netherlands company “Mercis” demanded the prohibition of copyright infringements against the Korean company “Locus” that created “Booto”.
The court said, “Both characters should be thought two different creations.” It is a waste of time for foreigners to sue Korean.
Japanese original Korean fake

Japanese Original

Gatchaman Gatchaman Mazinger Z
ET(U.S.A) Giant Robo
Godmars Robot 8 Golden Bat
Space Battleship Yamato Char Aznable Grendizer
Gatchaman Gatchaman Mazinger Z
Astro Boy

Korean Animations pamphlets

White Eagle Eagle 5 brothers Supeer Mazinger 3
Korean ET Mischievous alien boy Robot King
Solar123 Golden Bat Space Black Knight
Space Battleship Kobukson Space Black Knight Mazinger X
Iron Man 007 Iron Man 007 Taekwon V
Astro Boy


Tiger Mask Mazinger Z Dinosaur War Izenborg
007(U.S.A) Yatterman Neo-Human Casshern
Mazinger Godmars

Korean Animations Video

Tiger Mask Mazinger Z Dinosaur War Izenborg
Boy 007 Yatterman Neo-Human Robot
Mazinger 3 Solar123
Grendizer Starzinger Space Battleship Yamato
Japanese Robots
Galaxy Express 999 Mazinger Z Getter Robo
Iron Man No. 28
Grendizer Starzinger Space Battleship Kobukson
Galaxy Express 999 Hard Punch     Getta Robot
Iron Man No. 28

1. Difference between Korean and Japanese
Japanese Korean
Korean dramas and K-POP are popular in Japan. They are unconcerned about other Korean things. Japan is a treasure house of good ideas for Korean. If Koreans watch Japan, they can find anything they need.
The Japanese identity is supported by the tradition such as the Emperor. In contrast, Korea that became independent of Japan does not have such a thing. So Korean has no choice but to make the anti-Japan one of their identity.
Even if Japan modernized undeveloped Korean society and built the basis of modern Korea, most of Japanese did not understand that it was humiliation for the Korean who thought that Korean was superior to Japanese. It is symmetric with Taiwan that became the colony of Japan in the same way and evaluates the modernization by Japan. It is the Korean fate to deny Japan, because Korean government was born by Japan's defeat in the war. Korea is the country which is formed by criticizing Japan.
“Korea exists” and “Korea criticizes Japan” are equivalence relations in mathematics. (“Korea exists” ⇔ “Korea criticizes Japan”) If Korea praised Japan, it would not be Korea. It would change to another country.
Japan cooperates with the PyeongChang Olympics 2018 in Korea. They objected to Tokyo Olympics 2020 and the Japanese world heritage registration.
As Takeshima island is occupied by Korea, Japanese should complain about that, but they almost never do.
Japanese don't bake the Korean flag unlike Koreans, but is that reverse?
In contrast, Korean side that occupies Takeshima island bakes the Japanese flag and the photo of Japanese Prime Minister against Japanese claim.
Japanese don't complain to Korean very much, because they dislike dispute and trials. They rarely insist on their opinion. They hesitate to drive a bargain. They are honest to a fault. This is because of the Korean traditional way of negotiation and the thought that it is necessary to demand many things to the opponent in order to get one thing from the opponent.
2. Difference in trial
Japan Korea
It is a waste of time for Japanese side to sue Korean side, because the Korean court doesn't accept the suit of the Japanese either. So the Japanese side does not sue the Korean now. Even if Japanese side accuses a Korean company in Korea, Korean side wins.
“Separation of powers” is established. Korean trial system was brought by merger by Japan. “Separation of powers” is not established in Korea, and the Korean judges are controled by the government and are influenced by the public opinions.
It is said, “there is the unwritten law called 'Korean emotion law' that is more dominant than the constitution in Korea.”
All judges are independent in the exercise of their conscience and are bound only by the Constitution and the laws. One of the characteristics of the trial of Korea is “Payment not guilty, Nonpayment guilty” that the Korean President Park assumed a problem.
Other characteristics of the trial of Korea are said to be “not 'rule of law', but 'rule of emotion'”, “The crime for patriotism is innocent” and “The crime against Japanese is innocent.”
Koreans are allowed to do some crime there, if it is to Japanese. This is “The crime against Japanese is innocent.” So Koreans can copy Japanese things without any permission.
March 2, 2015, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the website that Korea is not a country of freedom and the democracy, but you have to know that it is only approximately 30 years since “the declaration of democratization” was given in 1987.
It is necessary to understand Japanese national traits and the following Korean national traits to think about the problems such as Takeshima (Tokdo) and so-called “comfort women”.
Korean national traits
  1. It is the Korean fate and their identity to deny Japan, because Korean government was born by Japan's defeat in the war.
  2. They don't mind a trifle. Korea is the country of “Kenchanayo (Never mind)” mind.
    • For better or worse, they have rough national traits. They don't worry about details. Some say Korean resembles the Latin people.
    • There are many accidents caused by the small defects of buildings, roads and the vehicles.
    • There are many forgeries and fakes. There are shops selling many fakes, but they don't mind that very much.
  3. They give priority to the emotion than the logic or law.
    • Because Japan is surrounded by the seas, there is little worry of the aggression from the outside, but there are many disasters such as earthquakes and the typhoons. Therefore patient character and character to consider logically and scientifically have been fostered.
      On the other hand, Korea has few earthquakes and typhoons, but there were the aggressions of other races consistently because it was adjoining to the continent. The logical and scientific thinking did not advance, and art of negotiation with strong races well advanced.
      It's the trimming policy to use blandishments to the strong. They chisel money by “extortion" and “racketeering” out of the other which they considered to be weak and pour abusive language and give terrible treatment.
    • The judgments are carried out by feelings and emotions than law. It is said, “there is the unwritten law called 'Korean emotion law' that is more dominant than the constitution in Korea.”
    • Takeshima (Tokdo) belongs to Japan historically, logically and in international law. Takeshima had been already used in the Edo era (1603-1868) by Japanese. But in 1953 Korean government one-sidedly occupied the island by use of armed force. That's all. They cannot explain the island is the Korea territory logically.
    • Koreans are going to build statues of so-called comfort women in the world. Korean can not explain “comfort women” based on evidences logically, but they are going to explain it emotionally.
    • Some say there has been no person to obtain the Nobel Prize in the scientific fields because of “Kenchanayo (Never mind)” mind and lack of logical thinking.
  4. They think everything can be settled by negotiations.
    • They think that their claims are accepted by lobbying and propaganda. Conversely when their claims were not accepted, they don't think that the claim had not the legitimacy, but they think lobbying was weak.
    • They think that the results of soccer World Cup and the Olympics depend on negotiations. They think that they can get the referee's decision by negotiations, and they could get Best 4, defeating Italy and Spain.
    • They are going to solve the problem by negotiations rather than science and logic.
    • North Korea abducted a lot of Japanese and made them negotiations materials. It demands a reward in exchange for them. The government performs the thing same as kidnapping for ransom. For them, all is up to negotiations.
  5. They make much of appearance than the contents.
    • It's enough for the Korea train express (KTX) just to run cool, even if it can not drive at planned speed and it has many accidents of the engine cooling system.
      Incheon Airport Maglev was going to open in September, 2013, but many defects were discovered and it was postponed. It opened on February 3, 2016 at last. The maximum speed is only 80km/h and it has much trouble.
    • Even if you say “repair them" to the real estate agent and the contractor when the screws of the door hinge are not settled horizontally for the wall surface, they don't understand what is wrong. That is not malicious at all.
  6. They extremely insist on the predominance of Korean, because they have the long history that Korea was governed by many ethnic groups including China. Therefore they are too proud.
Mazinger Z (1972 Japan)
Taekwon V (1976 Korea)

In 1953 after the Japan's defeat at World War Ⅱ, Korean government one-sidedly occupied “Takeshima” island by use of armed force.
This is “thief at a fire”. Korea is scumbag.
Korean cannot explain the island is the Korea territory logically. You can see Korean national traits to give priority to the emotion than the logic.

Web page of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Takeshima is indisputably an inherent part of the territory of Japan, in light of historical facts and based on international law.

The Republic of Korea has been occupying Takeshima with no basis in international law. Any measures the Republic of Korea takes regarding Takeshima based on such an illegal occupation have no legal justification.

Japan will continue to seek the settlement of the dispute of the territorial sovereignty over Takeshima on the basis of international law in a calm and peaceful manner.

Note: The Republic of Korea has never demonstrated any clear basis for its claims that it had effective control over Takeshima prior to Japan’s effective control over Takeshima and reaffirmation of its territorial sovereignty in 1905.

The Japanese people renounce use of force as means of settling international disputes by the constitution unlike Korea.

The robot that Korea stole protects the island that Korea stole.
This is Korea !?
From an objective viewpoint, the Japanese claim is more persuasive.
Original webpages    
Plagiarism music in Korea
Fakes by Korean entertainers
Copy of Namie Amuro (Japanese singer)
Korean Easy Copies of Japanese TV shows
Plagiarism of Dramas
Animated cartoon songs
Super famous animations
Toys & goods
Articles of newspapers
Tracing of Manga
Cutting Japan
Robot animations
Game machines
Toys of Robots
Japanese Toys
AIBO & i-Robo
Logos & trademark
Agricultural products
Seed bull
Traditional festival
[shock] Korean confectionery
Taiwanese reaction to see terrible Korean plagiarisms
Korean Entire copies of Japanese confectionery and drinks?
Shameful Korean fashion business
The famous stories retold for children
Korean history of the plagiarism makes our faces turn red
The complete works of world scientific adventure for boys and girls
World masterpieces of detective fiction
World masterpieces of children’s story
The complete series of fairy tales (Hagwon Churpansa)
Educational comics
Juvenile literature
inserted by FC2 system